Samsung: Expect 6G In 2028, Enabling Mobile Holograms and Digital Twins

An anonymous reader quotes a report from VentureBeat: [A]s 5G continues to roll out, 6G research continues, and today top mobile hardware developer Samsung is weighing in with predictions of what’s to come. Surprisingly, the South Korean company is preparing for early 6G to launch two years ahead of the commonly predicted 2030 timeframe, even though both the proposed use cases…

A proposed new mission to Venus

The proposed VERITAS mission to Venus is one of the finalists for NASA’s Discovery Program. If selected, it will revolutionize our knowledge about the planet’s geology and how this formerly habitable world became a fiery wasteland. Source:…

UC Berkeley Study Finds Diluting Blood Plasma Reverses Aging In Mice

schwit1 shares a report from Berkeley News: In 2005, University of California, Berkeley, researchers made the surprising discovery that making conjoined twins out of young and old mice — such that they share blood and organs — can rejuvenate tissues and reverse the signs of aging in the old mice. The finding sparked a flurry of research into whether a youngster’s…

There is no perfect diet that works for every metabolism or body type

Everyone’s metabolism responds differently to the same foods, even among identical twins, which suggests personalised eating plans are more effective than a single diet Source:…

Moon, in Gemini, points to Mercury and Venus

These next few evenings – May 26 and 27, 2020 – the moon moves out of the constellation Gemini and into the constellation Cancer. The lit side of the waxing crescent moon serves as your arrow in the sky, pointing right at the planet Mercury. Mercury may be visible to the eye alone around an hour after sunset. Source:…

This brown dwarf might look a lot like Jupiter

The cloud bands on brown dwarf Luhman 16A were found via instruments known as polarimeters. An astronomer said they’re like “… an astronomer’s polarized sunglasses. But instead of trying to block out that glare, we’re trying to measure it.” Source:…

Moon and Gemini stars on April 1

Watch for Gemini’s 2 brightest stars – Castor and Pollux – near tonight’s moon. On the other side of the moon, you’ll see a 3rd bright star. It’s Procyon in the constellation Canis Minor, the Lesser Dog. Source:…

Westward shift of Orion and all the stars

As Earth makes its grand tour around the sun each year, the constellations all shift westward in our sky. Orion is a good one to notice. Source:…

Study suggests Earth and Moon not identical oxygen twins

Scientists at The University of New Mexico have found that the Earth and Moon have distinct oxygen compositions and are not identical in oxygen as previously thought according to a new study released today in Nature Geoscience. Source:…