Anthony Levandowski Closes His Church of AI

The first church of artificial intelligence has shut its conceptual doors. From a report: Anthony Levandowski, the former Google engineer who avoided an 18-month prison sentence after receiving a presidential pardon last month, has closed the church he created to understand and accept a godhead based on artificial intelligence. The Way of the Future church, which Levandowski formed in 2015, was…

Happy birthday to Galileo, born February 15

One of our greatest astronomers, Galileo Galilei, was born February 15, 1564. His discoveries with the improved telescopes he made changed the way we view the universe – and got him in trouble with the church. Source:…

Covid-19 spreads through the air. That’s a big challenge for reopening

Clear, straightforward information on how a virus spreads, from a scientist who studies infectious disease Source:…

What the coronavirus does to your body that makes it so deadly

How the coronavirus infects and how it makes people sick. Source:…

Moon and Venus close around February 27 and 28

These next few evenings – February 27 and 28, 2020 – watch for the crescent moon and the brilliant planet Venus to pair up on the sky’s dome. Source:…

Amazon Is Collecting Donations For a Scientology-Linked Anti-Drug Charity

An anonymous reader quotes the Guardian:
Amazon has agreed to channel funds to a controversial drug rehabilitation charity linked to the Church of Scientology, the Guardian has learned. The web giant will make donations to Narconon — which runs programmes for drug addicts based on the teachings of the Scientology founder, L Ron Hubbard — when supporters buy products through the site,…

What is astrophysics?

Observational astronomy and astrophysics work together to further our understanding of the cosmos. Astrophysicists apply the laws of physics and physical theories to interpret the light gathered by observational astronomers. Source:…

3 Bodies Found Inside Alamo Cathedral, Reigniting Dispute Over Native-American Burial Ground

The discovery of three human graves in the church of the Alamo in San Antonio has reignited a dispute over the Native American presence at the historic site. Source:

How a Fake Murder-For-Hire Site Led To Real Convictions

Harper’s profiles sys-admin Chris Monteiro, who moonlights as a white-hat hacker monitoring dark web sites claiming to offer murder-for-hire services. For example, he tipped off one local police department to a $5,000 bitcoin payment someone made to try to arrange the murder of a teenaged girl on a site run by someone named “Yura”. [U]sers set up an anonymous account, select…