Why love really is a drug

Might as well face it, you’re addicted to love. Or at least it can feel that way. On this Valentine’s Day 2021, watch a video about certain chemicals – including dopamine, oxytocin and vasopressin – responsible for making you feel good around that certain someone. Source: https://earthsky.org/human-world/video-the-chemistry-of-love…

The Rich Got Richer: GameStop’s Trading Frenzy Benefited Wall Street’s Elite

While GameStop’s surge has been heralded as a victory for underdogs, “Growing evidence casts doubt on the idea that the episode mostly benefited small-time investors…” reports the Washington Post. (Alternate URLs here and here “And, in at least some cases, novice investors lost their shirts.” Giant mutual funds that own the largest stakes in GameStop saw the biggest gains in value….

Amazon Is Collecting Donations For a Scientology-Linked Anti-Drug Charity

An anonymous reader quotes the Guardian:
Amazon has agreed to channel funds to a controversial drug rehabilitation charity linked to the Church of Scientology, the Guardian has learned. The web giant will make donations to Narconon — which runs programmes for drug addicts based on the teachings of the Scientology founder, L Ron Hubbard — when supporters buy products through the site,…

World’s First Opioid Vending Machine Opens In Vancouver

An anonymous reader quotes a report from The Guardian: A vending machine for powerful opioids has opened in Canada as part of a project to help fight the Canadian city’s overdose crisis. The MySafe project, which resembles a cash machine, gives addicts access to a prescribed amount of medical quality hydromorphone, a drug about twice as powerful as heroin. Don Durban,…