Netflix’s Most Expensive Movie Ever Will Be a $200M James Bond-Level Thriller From the Russo Bros.

The directing duo behind the highest-grossing film of all time are set to break another movie record for Netflix. From a report: This time, brothers and Avengers: Endgame filmmakers Joe and Anthony Russo (who also helmed Captain America: The Winter Soldier, Captain America: Civil War, and Avengers: Infinity War for Marvel) are headed to Netflix for the streaming service’s biggest-budgeted movie…

Secret Trump Order Gives CIA More Powers To Launch Cyberattacks

The Central Intelligence Agency has conducted a series of covert cyber operations against Iran and other targets since winning a secret victory in 2018 when President Trump signed what amounts to a sweeping authorization for such activities, according to former U.S. officials with direct knowledge of the matter. From a report: The secret authorization, known as a presidential finding, gives the…

Google Bans Stalkerware Ads

Google announced plans this week to ban ads that promote stalkerware, spyware, and other forms of surveillance technology that can be used to track other persons without their specific consent. From a report: The change was announced this week as part of an upcoming update to Google Ads policies, set to enter into effect next month, on August 11, 2020. Examples…

Journalist’s Phone Hacked: All He Had To Do Was Visit a Website. Any Website.

The iPhone that Moroccan journalist Omar Radi used to contact his sources also allowed his government to spy on him (and at least two other journalists), reports the Toronto Star, citing new research from Amnesty International. Slashdot reader Iwastheone shares their report: Their government could read every email, text and website visited; listen to every phone call and watch every video…

Meet the Big Tech Critic Behind Hey, Basecamp’s Radical New Email Platform

The Basecamp cofounder and creator of web application framework Ruby on Rails David Heinemeier Hansson has become increasingly outspoken about Big Tech’s privacy violations and monopolistic tendencies. Now he’s inviting you to join the cause — by switching your email provider. From a report: Two years ago, he and fellow Basecamp cofounder and CEO Jason Fried decided to do something about…

Spies Can Eavesdrop By Watching a Light Bulb’s Vibrations

An anonymous reader quotes a report from Wired: Researchers from Israeli’s Ben-Gurion University of the Negev and the Weizmann Institute of Science today revealed a new technique for long-distance eavesdropping they call “lamphone.” They say it allows anyone with a laptop and less than a thousand dollars of equipment — just a telescope and a $400 electro-optical sensor — to listen…

Obscure Indian Cyber Firm Spied On Politicians, Investors Worldwide

An anonymous reader quotes a report from Reuters: A little-known Indian IT firm offered its hacking services to help clients spy on more than 10,000 email accounts over a period of seven years. New Delhi-based BellTroX InfoTech Services targeted government officials in Europe, gambling tycoons in the Bahamas, and well-known investors in the United States including private equity giant KKR and…

Cold War Satellites Inadvertently Tracked Species Declines

sciencehabit shares a report from Science Magazine: When the Soviet Union launched Sputnik into orbit in 1957, the United States responded with its own spy satellites. The espionage program, known as Corona, sought to locate Soviet missile sites, but its Google Earth-like photography captured something unintended: snapshots of animals and their habitats frozen in time. Now, by comparing these images with…