Best Story Wins

Morgan Housel, on the art and power of storytelling: C. R. Hallpike is a respected anthropologist who once wrote a review of a young author’s recent book on the history of humans. It states: “It would be fair to say that whenever his facts are broadly correct they are not new, and whenever he tries to strike out on his own…

America’s Covid-19 Deaths Likely to Exceed 9/11’s Death Toll Every Day, For Two Months

Just today in America there were 223,365 new Covid-19 cases. The Hill notes that’s “the worst it has ever been.” Long-time Slashdot reader smooth wombat also highlights this quote from Robert Redfield, the director of America’s Centers for Disease Control and Prevention: “We are in the timeframe now that probably for the next 60 to 90 days we’re going to have…

The Book of Malachi is darkly unmissable science fiction

The Book of Malachi by T. C. Farren centres on a young man whose tongue has been cut out during a brutal civil war. It’s a tough, mind-bending morality tale Source:…

Facebook Busts Russian Disinfo Networks As US Election Looms

An anonymous reader quotes a report from Wired: Facebook announced on Thursday that it has taken down three “coordinated inauthentic behavior” networks promoting disinformation that included nearly 300 Facebook and Instagram accounts along with dozens of Facebook Pages and Groups. While the efforts were seemingly run independently, and focused primarily outside of the US, each has ties to Russian intelligence –…

Smallpox vaccination kits from the US civil war reveal historic virus

Strains of viruses used to make smallpox vaccines during the US civil war have been identified from old scabs and blister material stored in historical vaccination kits Source:…

Hoax That Fooled Armed Protesters Was Created By a Socialist Troll on Food Stamps

Remember that anonymous online hoaxster who urged hundreds of armed protesters to counter a non-existent flag-burning event at America’s historic Civil War battefield at Gettysburg? An investigation by the Washington Post reveals that the hoaxster had in fact been a “lifelong Democrat” before instead registering in 2015 with the Socialist Party — and that he now collects food stamps:
Adam Rahuba, a…

Netflix’s Most Expensive Movie Ever Will Be a $200M James Bond-Level Thriller From the Russo Bros.

The directing duo behind the highest-grossing film of all time are set to break another movie record for Netflix. From a report: This time, brothers and Avengers: Endgame filmmakers Joe and Anthony Russo (who also helmed Captain America: The Winter Soldier, Captain America: Civil War, and Avengers: Infinity War for Marvel) are headed to Netflix for the streaming service’s biggest-budgeted movie…

Hundreds of Armed US Counter-Protesters Fall for ‘Apparent Hoax’

Yesterday as America celebrated its Independence Day, the Washington Post reports something unusual happened at the historic Civil War battefield at Gettysburg: For weeks, a mysterious figure on social media talked up plans for antifa protesters to converge on this historical site on Independence Day to burn American flags, an event that seemed at times to border on the farcical… There…

The fury in US cities is rooted in a long history of racist policing, violence and inequality

The protests that have engulfed American cities in the past week are rooted in decades of frustrations. African Americans have protested against these injustices going back as far as the post-Civil War days in the 1870s. Source: