Report Claims America’s CIA Also Controlled a Second Swiss Encryption Firm

Long-time Slashdot reader SonicSpike brings this report from AFP:
Swiss politicians have voiced outrage and demanded an investigation after revelations that a second Swiss encryption company was allegedly used by the CIA and its German counterpart to spy on governments worldwide. “How can such a thing happen in a country that claims to be neutral like Switzerland?” co-head of Switzerland’s Socialist Party,…

Controversial Data Firm Palantir Fetches Market Value of Nearly $22 Billion In Its Debut On the NYSE

US tech firm Palantir, known for supplying controversial data-sifting software to government agencies, has fetched a market value of nearly $22 billion in its debut on the New York Stock Exchange. The BBC reports: The firm, which launched in 2003 with backing from right-wing libertarian tech investor Peter Thiel and America’s Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), builds programs that integrate massive data…

Secret Trump Order Gives CIA More Powers To Launch Cyberattacks

The Central Intelligence Agency has conducted a series of covert cyber operations against Iran and other targets since winning a secret victory in 2018 when President Trump signed what amounts to a sweeping authorization for such activities, according to former U.S. officials with direct knowledge of the matter. From a report: The secret authorization, known as a presidential finding, gives the…

What Happens When Software Development Environments Move to the Cloud?

An anonymous reader quotes IEEE Spectrum:
If you’re a newly hired software engineer, setting up your development environment can be tedious. If you’re lucky, your company will have a documented, step-by-step process to follow. But this still doesn’t guarantee you’ll be up and running in no time. When you’re tasked with updating your environment, you’ll go through the same time-consuming process. With…

Split Verdict Given For CIA Programmer Charged In Massive Leak

An anonymous reader quotes a report from The Wall Street Journal: A federal jury couldn’t reach a verdict on whether a former software engineer for the Central Intelligence Agency was responsible for leaking a trove of classified documents to WikiLeaks, convicting him instead on lesser charges stemming from the leak (Warning: source paywalled; alternative source). Joshua Schulte, 31 years old, was…

Ex-CIA Engineer Set To Go On Trial For Vault 7 Leak

An anonymous reader quotes a report from NPR: Manhattan federal prosecutors are poised to open their case Tuesday in the trial of a former software engineer for the Central Intelligence Agency who is charged with handing over a trove of classified information on the spy agency’s hacking operations to WikiLeaks (Warning: source paywalled; alternative source). In 2017, WikiLeaks released more than…

United States Files Civil Lawsuit Against Edward Snowden

The United States today filed a lawsuit against Edward Snowden, a former employee of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) and contractor for the National Security Agency (NSA), who published a book entitled Permanent Record in violation of the non-disclosure agreements he signed with both CIA and NSA. From a report: The lawsuit alleges that Snowden published his book without submitting it…

Guantánamo Bay as Nursing Home: Military Envisions Hospice Care as Terrorism Suspects Age

With no sign that the prison will close, the Pentagon has begun planning for detainees to grow old and die at Guantánamo Bay. Source:…

Edward Snowden Explains Why the CIA Just Made an Instagram

“They get Twitter accounts. Instagram accounts (with) puppies and everything like that, because they want to be friendly. They want to be on your side.”Source:…

After Arrest of Julian Assange, the Russian Mysteries Remain

An indictment charging Mr. Assange with conspiring to hack into a Pentagon computer does not mention WikiLeaks’ role in Russia’s interference in the 2016 campaign. Source:…