Microsoft Says Iranian Hackers Are Exploiting the Zerologon Vulnerability

Microsoft said on Monday that Iranian state-sponsored hackers are currently exploiting the Zerologon vulnerability in real-world hacking campaigns. From a report: Successful attacks would allow hackers to take over servers known as domain controllers (DC) that are the centerpieces of most enterprise networks and enable intruders to gain full control over their targets. The Iranian attacks were detected by Microsoft’s Threat…

‘Google and Facebook’s Ad Business Might Not Survive Amazon’

“There’s a relatively new, rapidly growing player in the online advertising world,” warns Medium’s new consumer technology site Debugger — taking a close look at the “Sponsored Products” listed first in the results of Amazon searches. “Given its unique business model, its history of swallowing whole industries, and its sheer size, Amazon has the potential to massively disrupt the online ad…

Kaspersky Warns Intruders are Targeting Linux Workstations and Servers

Researchers at Kaspersky “have warned that sophisticated hackers and crooks are increasingly targeting Linux-based devices — using tools specifically designed to exploit vulnerabilities in the platform,” reports TechRepublic: While Windows tends to be more frequently targeted in mass malware attacks, this is not always the case when it comes to advanced persistent threats (APTs), in which an intruder — often a…

Most Cyber-Security Reports Only Focus On the Cool Threats

The vast majority of reports published by the cyber-security industry focus on high-end economic espionage and state-sponsored hacking topics, ignoring threats to civil society and creating a distorted view of the actual cyber threat landscape that later influences policy-makers and academic work. From a report: In an article published in the Journal of Information Technology & Politics, a team of academics…

The FBI Botches Its DNC Hack Warning In 2016 — But Says It Won’t Next Time

An anonymous reader quotes a report from Wired: On April 28, 2016, an IT tech staffer for the Democratic National Committee named Yared Tamene made a sickening discovery: A notorious Russian hacker group known as Fancy Bear had penetrated a DNC server “at the heart of the network,” as he would later tell the US Senate’s Select Committee on Intelligence. By…

Burger King Brags About Exploiting Twitch To Advertise To Kids For Cheap

An anonymous reader quotes a report from Ars Technica: Earlier this week, an advertising agency emerged with a video bragging about an ad-campaign concept: We’ll invade gaming-filled Twitch chat rooms and post ads for your brand for cheap. The attached video was exactly the kind of cringe you might expect from “brand engages with video game culture,” with edgy yet inoffensive…

Did A Chinese State-Sponsored Group Breach Taiwan’s Semiconductor Industry?

At the Black Hat security conference, researchers from the Taiwanese cybersecurity firm CyCraft revealed at least seven Taiwanese chip firms have been breached over the past two years, reports Wired:
The series of deep intrusions — called Operation Skeleton Key due to the attackers’ use of a “skeleton key injector” technique — appeared aimed at stealing as much intellectual property as possible,…

Taking Learning Online: Lessons from India for Universities around the Globe

By Raghav Gupta, Managing Director for India and APAC and Global Business Lead of Coursera for Campus The higher education landscape has shifted dramatically in the past few months because of COVID-19. As universities around the world work to develop online and blended learning models, they can learn from pioneering efforts by institutions in India.  […]
The post Taking Learning Online: Lessons…

Watch ISS spacewalk July 16

On Thursday, July 16, 2020, 2 NASA astronauts will perform the 1st of a pair of International Space Station (ISS) spacewalks, to finish a 3.5-year effort to upgrade the station’s power system. How to watch. Source:…

German Court Bans Tesla Ad Statements Related To Autonomous Driving

An anonymous reader quotes a report from Reuters: Germany has banned Tesla from repeating what a court says are misleading advertising statements relating to the capabilities of the firm’s driver assistance systems and to autonomous driving, a Munich judge ruled on Tuesday. Tesla can appeal the ruling. The case was brought by Germany’s Wettbewerbszentrale, an industry sponsored body tasked with policing…