New Repository Leaks Souce Code From Microsoft, Adobe, and Dozens of Other Companies

Bleeping Computer reported this week that a new public repository of leaked code includes big names like Microsoft, Adobe, Lenovo, AMD, Qualcomm, Motorola, Roblox, and Disney:
The leaks have been collected by Tillie Kottmann, a developer and reverse engineer, from various sources and from their own hunting for misconfigured devops tools that offer access to source code… According to Bank Security, a…

Some Believe the US Has Been Hit By Large-Scale DDoS Attack — Others Are Skeptical

Forbes reports major internet outages across many companies including T-Mobile, Fortnite, Instagram, Comcast, and Chase Bank. Some experts believe it is the result of a coordinated attack, others not so much. Slashdot reader bobthesungeek76036 shares the report: On June 15, a flurry of reports on a number of different services in the U.S. have indicated that the country may be experiencing…

Are We on the Cusp of a Metaverse, the Next Version of the Internet?

The Washington Post describes it as “the next internet.” Wikipedia defines it as “a collective virtual shared space…including the sum of all virtual worlds, augmented reality, and the Internet.” But it was Neal Stephenson who named it “the metaverse” in his 1992 science fiction novel Snow Crash. Are we closer to seeing it happen? The Washington Post reports:
In the past month,…