US Tech Stocks Are Now Worth More Than the Entire European Stock Market

An anonymous reader quotes a report from CNBC: The dominance of major U.S. tech stocks in recent years has pushed the sector past another milestone as it is now more valuable than the entire European stock market, according to Bank of America Global Research. The firm said in a note that this is the first time the market cap of the…

Bank of America, Google, and Red Hat Executives Join OASIS Board of Directors

OASIS, the international standards and open source consortium, this week announced that three new members were elected to its Board of Directors: Jeremy Allison of Google, Rich Bowen of Red Hat, and Wende Peters of Bank of America. From a report: Their depth of experience in the open source and open standards communities bolsters the Board’s reach and establishes OASIS as…

Some Believe the US Has Been Hit By Large-Scale DDoS Attack — Others Are Skeptical

Forbes reports major internet outages across many companies including T-Mobile, Fortnite, Instagram, Comcast, and Chase Bank. Some experts believe it is the result of a coordinated attack, others not so much. Slashdot reader bobthesungeek76036 shares the report: On June 15, a flurry of reports on a number of different services in the U.S. have indicated that the country may be experiencing…

The Pandemic is Playing To Almost Every One of Amazon’s Strengths

An anonymous reader shares a report: As the coronavirus pandemic has forced people to stay inside, few companies have proven themselves as essential as Amazon. From groceries to cleaning supplies, shipments from Amazon have become lifelines for many who are steering clear of supermarkets and other physical retail stores. Company executives have likened the surge in demand to the annual holiday…

Study Finds High Demand for Go and AR/VR Programmers, While Python Remains Favorite Language

The tech jobs marketplace at crunched their data on more than 400,000 interview requests and job offers over the last year to produce their annual “State of Software Engineers” report. Among its surprising insights: software engineers with more than 10 years of experience get 20% fewere interview requests than engineers with 4 to 10 years of experience. Other insights:
Demand for…

Announcing: Google IT Automation with Python Professional Certificate

For the last two years, the Google IT Support Professional Certificate has been equipping learners around the world with the fundamentals needed to jumpstart new careers in information technology (IT). To celebrate the 2-year anniversary of the program, we’re excited to announce that Google has expanded its IT training to help you take the next […]
The post Announcing: Google IT Automation…

WeWork’s Sudden Fall Reveals the Cracks in the Startup Economy

The venture capital firm First Round Capital conducts an annual “State of Startups” survey that gets passed around widely in Silicon Valley. Its 2019 findings, published this week, are grim. From a report: Over two-thirds of startup founders, more than ever before, believe that we are in a tech “bubble.” Sixty-five percent of founders believe that it’s going to be harder…

Bitcoin Was the Best Investment of the Decade

The decade is almost over — and one incredibly volatile investment stood out from all the rest as the best of the 2010s. Want to guess what it was? Bitcoin. From a report: According to a recent report by Bank of America Securities, if you invested $1 in bitcoin at the start of the decade, it would now be worth more…

Bank of America Says It Saves $2 Billion Per Year By Ignoring Amazon and Microsoft and Building Its Own Cloud Instead

Bank of America has bucked the Wall Street trend by building its own private cloud software rather than outsourcing to companies like Amazon, Microsoft, and Google. From a report: The investment, including a $350 million charge in 2017, hasn’t been cheap, but it has had a striking payoff, CEO Brian Moynihan said during the company’s third-quarter earnings call. He said the…

Bank of America CEO: ‘We Want a Cashless Society’

An anonymous reader quotes a report from Yahoo Finance: Bank of America CEO Brian Moynihan embraced the digital money movement on Wednesday, saying his firm has “more to gain than anybody” from the booming trend of non-cash transactions. “We want a cashless society,” Moynihan, who heads up the second largest U.S. bank, told attendees at Fortune’s Brainstorm Finance conference. He pointed…