CDC Report Links Dining Out To Increased COVID-19 Risk

gollum123 shares a report from CNBC: Dining out raises the risk of contracting Covid-19 more than other activities, such as shopping or going to a salon, according to a report published Thursday by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The findings come as many states consider the safest ways to reopen businesses, especially restaurants. Those who tested positive for SARS-CoV-2,…

The Future of Our Workplace: Remote, On Campus, and Blended Options for Employees

By Rich Jacquet, Chief People Officer At Coursera, we believe location shouldn’t limit access to world-class learning, and we’re bringing this mindset to the way we evolve our workplace. Today we announced that employees can continue to work remotely until January 1, 2022, when we anticipate bringing our offices back to full service. Giving all […]
The post The Future of Our…

Coronavirus: How to keep children and staff safe when schools reopen

Closing schools in response to covid-19 has had a huge impact on children around the world. What we’ve learned about the coronavirus so far can help us reopen them safely Source:…

Pandemic Sends Videogame Museum Into Two-Year Shutdown

Oakland’s nonprofit “Museum of Art and Digital Entertainment” housed 40,000 historic pieces of videogame memorabilia — including 11,000 playable games. In 2017 they were the ones urging America’s copyright office to allow museums and libraries to circumvent DRM to preserve abandoned online games like FIFA World Cup, Nascar and The Sims. The museum’s sponsors include GitHub, Google, PlayStation, and Dolby Digital….

Can This Company Build Self-Charging Batteries From Radioactive Nuclear Waste?

Heart44 writes:
There is a lot of C-14 radioactive waste from graphite rods that is expensive to store. This graphite can be converted to C-14 diamonds covered in C-12 diamonds. C-14 has a half-life of 5,700 years, so such batteries would last a long time and are supposedly safe. Sounds like an April fool but… New Atlas considers the possibilities: …what you…

FDA Approves $5 Rapid Coronavirus Test That Doesn’t Require Special Computer

schwit1 writes: The Food and Drug Administration on Wednesday authorized the first rapid coronavirus test that doesn’t need any special computer equipment to get results. The 15-minute test from Abbott Laboratories will sell for $5, giving it a competitive edge over similar tests that need to be popped into a small machine. The self-contained test is the size of a credit…

AMC Is Reopening Theaters Today With 15-Cent Tickets

In honor of its 100th anniversary, AMC is reopening theaters across the nation today after closing down because of the coronavirus pandemic. “[F]or one day only, tickets will be priced at their 1920 cost of 15 cents apiece,” reports CNET. From the report: More than 100 AMC locations are scheduled to reopen Aug. 20, including in areas across Georgia, Texas, Connecticut,…

AMC Movie Theaters Will Reopen On Aug. 20 With 15-Cent Tickets

schwit1 writes: Moviegoers will have to pay only 15 cents for tickets at AMC cinemas on Aug. 20, when the chain starts to reopen amid the coronavirus outbreak. The cheap tickets will be available at more than 100 theaters across the U.S. The deal, a throwback to the price the company charged when it was founded in 1920, is intended to…

Opening schools in UK without more testing risks covid-19 second wave

The UK faces a second wave of coronavirus infections this winter if the country’s testing and contact tracing system does not improve by the time schools reopen, researchers have warned Source:…

Misleading Virus Video, Pushed By the Trumps, Spreads Online

An anonymous reader quotes a report from The New York Times: In a video posted Monday online, a group of people calling themselves “America’s Frontline Doctors” and wearing white medical coats spoke against the backdrop of the Supreme Court in Washington, sharing misleading claims about the virus, including that hydroxychloroquine was an effective coronavirus treatment and that masks did not slow…