Mark Zuckerberg Wants Commuting Replaced with VR/AR

Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg wants commuting to work replaced with VR/AR telecommuting. Zuckerberg made the suggestion on a talkshow on Clubhouse, reports The International Business Times: “One of the things that [VR] will unlock is the ability to live anywhere you want and be present in another place and really feel like you are there,” the Facebook CEO said.”It is going…

Surprise Ending for Publishers: In 2020, Business Was Good

Like everybody else, book publishers will be happy to see the end of 2020. But for many of them, the year has brought some positive news, which has been as welcome as it was surprising: Business has been good. From a report: With so many people stuck at home and activities from concerts to movies off limits, people have been reading…

Silicon Valley Tech Workers Angered By Proposal to Make Some Mandatory Telecommuting Permanent

“The Metropolitan Transportation Commission, a regional government agency in the San Francisco Bay Area, voted Wednesday to move forward with a proposal to require people at large, office-based companies to work from home three days a week as a way to slash greenhouse gas emissions from car commutes,” reports NBC News: It’s a radical suggestion that likely would have been a…

The Future of Our Workplace: Remote, On Campus, and Blended Options for Employees

By Rich Jacquet, Chief People Officer At Coursera, we believe location shouldn’t limit access to world-class learning, and we’re bringing this mindset to the way we evolve our workplace. Today we announced that employees can continue to work remotely until January 1, 2022, when we anticipate bringing our offices back to full service. Giving all […]
The post The Future of Our…

Accelerating Curiosity: Novartis’s Integrated Approach to Employee Learning

By Steve Sitek, Head of U.S. Learning, Novartis  There’s nothing better than a personalized experience, curtailed to our unique needs and wants. Those experiences are why social media platforms are now highly customized to our likes/dislikes, why we’re welcomed by name when we log in to our online banking platform, and why restaurants remember our […]
The post Accelerating Curiosity: Novartis’s Integrated…

Accelerating Curiosity: Novartis’ Integrated Approach to Employee Learning

By Steve Sitek, Head of U.S. Learning, Novartis  There’s nothing better than a personalized experience, curtailed to our unique needs and wants. Those experiences are why social media platforms are now highly customized to our likes/dislikes, why we’re welcomed by name when we log in to our online banking platform, and why restaurants remember our […]
The post Accelerating Curiosity: Novartis’ Integrated…

The cosmic commute towards star and planet formation

The molecular gas in galaxies is organized into a hierarchy of structures. The molecular material in giant molecular gas clouds travels along intricate networks of filamentary gas lanes towards the congested centers of gas and dust where it is compressed into stars and planets, much like the millions of people commuting to cities for work around the world. Source:…

Even After the Pandemic, 43% Say They’ll Want to Work Remotely More Often

Long-time Slashdot reader gollum123 quotes CNBC:
Nearly 43% of full-time American employees say they want to work remotely more often even after the economy has reopened, according to a survey released by business publishing company getAbstract. Of the more than 1,200 employees surveyed between April 16 and April 17, nearly 20% said their employer is actively discussing how they can make remote…

Wary of Public Transport, Coronavirus-Hit Americans Turn To Bikes

Timothy Aeppel writing for Reuters: The coronavirus pandemic has sparked a surge in bike sales across the United States, according to a major manufacturer and a half dozen retailers interviewed by Reuters. Many of the purchases are by people looking for a way to get outside at a time of sweeping shutdowns and stay-at-home orders aimed at containing the virus: Even…

Coronavirus: Radio Listening Booms While Music Streaming Stalls

People staying at home due to the coronavirus pandemic appear to be listening to more radio rather than music apps, figures suggest. The BBC reports: Global, which owns Capital FM and talk station LBC, said online radio listening had risen by 15%. The BBC said streaming of its radio stations had risen 18% since last week. Meanwhile, data from two US…