Can This Company Build Self-Charging Batteries From Radioactive Nuclear Waste?

Heart44 writes:
There is a lot of C-14 radioactive waste from graphite rods that is expensive to store. This graphite can be converted to C-14 diamonds covered in C-12 diamonds. C-14 has a half-life of 5,700 years, so such batteries would last a long time and are supposedly safe. Sounds like an April fool but… New Atlas considers the possibilities: …what you…

Could Granite Solve the Hard Problem of Nuclear Waste Storage?

An anonymous reader quotes a report from The Guardian: A new study published in Scientific Reports reveals that crystalline rocks, such as granite, have a natural self-sealing mechanism, capable of keeping fluids locked away for millions of years. Careful analysis of the chemistry and structure of granites from Japan and the UK revealed that when fluid did enter the rock (via…

5G Obliterates Your Phone Battery, But a Power-Saving Fix Is Coming

It’s no secret that 5G networks drain battery. “To rectify that grim side effect, researchers at the University of Texas at Austin and the University of Lille in France have developed a new radio-frequency switch they say is 50 times more energy efficient than the current solid-state switches,” reports Popular Mechanics. From the report: The solution is actually rooted right in…

Fukushima Melted Fuel Removal Begins 2021, End State Unknown

Japan’s economy and industry ministry said Monday that it will start removing melted fuel from the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant in 2021. The milestone step of debris removal is considered the most difficult part of cleaning up the crisis-hit facility. ABC News reports: Nearly nine years after [the Fukushima nuclear power plant was wrecked by a massive earthquake and tsunami],…

Pakistani Scientists Discover Fungus that Can ‘Eat’ Plastic

Luke Miller – This mushroom could be the solution to the global plastic problem. Source:…

Melting Glaciers Could Unleash Nuclear Fallout Trapped Within the Ice

An international research project found that high concentrations of radioactive material in glaciers around the world could be exposed due to climate change. Source:…