Archivists Want Broader DMCA Exemption for ‘Abandoned’ Online Games

Several organizations have asked the Copyright Office to renew the exemption to the DMCA’s DRM circumvention restrictions. This would allow, they argued, abandoned online games to be preserved for future generations. In addition, the Software Preservation Network and the Library Copyright Alliance have asked for an expansion to allow these games to be made available more broadly.

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Pandemic Sends Videogame Museum Into Two-Year Shutdown

Oakland’s nonprofit “Museum of Art and Digital Entertainment” housed 40,000 historic pieces of videogame memorabilia — including 11,000 playable games. In 2017 they were the ones urging America’s copyright office to allow museums and libraries to circumvent DRM to preserve abandoned online games like FIFA World Cup, Nascar and The Sims. The museum’s sponsors include GitHub, Google, PlayStation, and Dolby Digital….

Is Microsoft Planning To Phase Out Xbox Live Gold?

Yesterday, a Microsoft rep confirmed that the option to purchase 12 months of Xbox Live Gold has been removed from the Microsoft Store. That’s exactly a week ahead of the July 23 games presentation, where Microsoft could be announcing a plan to phase out the subscription service altogether with the launch of Xbox Series X. Inverse reports: “At this time Xbox…

GTA Online, Red Dead Online Will Temporarily Go Offline In Honor of George Floyd

Rockstar Games, 2K games, and their parent company Take-Two Interactive announced on Thursday that they will shut down the servers for games such as Grand Theft Auto Online, Red Dead Online, and NBA 2K for two hours on Thursday afternoon “to honor the legacy of George Floyd.” Polygon reports: “Black Lives Matter,” said Rockstar Games on its official Twitter account. “To…

Housebound Italian Kids Strain Network With Fortnite Marathon

Italy’s school shutdown is driving a surge in internet traffic as kids turn to online video games to stave off boredom. From a report: With schools, shops and restaurants closed in an attempt to limit Europe’s worst coronavirus outbreak, the amount of data passing through Telecom Italia SpA’s national network has surged by more than two-thirds in the past two weeks,…