Google Suspends Parler From App Store; Apple Gives 24-Hour Warning

New submitter yuvcifjt writes: As of Friday 6pm EST (11pm GMT), The Verge reported that Apple and Google are under pressure and receiving complaints to deplatform Parler — the social media platform favored by the right-wing and extremists — from their app stores. BuzzFeed has since broken news that Apple has served notice to Parler’s executives to implement a full moderation…

That Mysterious Silver Monolith In the Utah Desert Has Disappeared

Slashdot reader Iwastheone quotes CNN: A tall, silver, shining metal monolith discovered in the desert in southeastern Utah — which prompted theories of alien placement and drew determined hikers to its secret location — has now disappeared, the state’s Bureau of Land Management said Saturday. The monolith was removed by an “unknown party” sometime Friday night, the agency said in a…

America’s Top Court Strikes Down Covid-19 Restriction On Religious Groups

DevNull127 writes: Earlier this year the governor’s order had “restricted the size of religious gatherings in certain areas of New York where infection rates were climbing,” reports the New York Times. But Wednesday night (in a close 5 to 4 decision) America’s highest court ruled against the governor — and in favor of two religious organizations challenging him. “[T]hey tell us…

Utah Helicopter Crew Discovers Mysterious Metal Monolith Deep in the Desert

turp182 writes: What started as routine wildlife assistance took an extraterrestrial turn for Utah’s Department of Public Safety after officers stumbled upon a mysterious monolith in the middle of rural Utah. Officers from the Utah Department of Public Safety’s Aero Bureau were flying by helicopter last Wednesday, helping the Division of Wildlife Resources count bighorn sheep in southeastern Utah, when they…

FCC Votes To Maintain 2017 Repeal of Net Neutrality Rules

The U.S. Federal Communications Commission voted 3-2 on Tuesday to maintain its 2017 repeal of Obama-era net neutrality rules, even after a federal court directed a review of some provisions of the repeal. From a report: The 2015 net neutrality rules barred internet service providers (ISPs) from blocking or slowing internet content or offering paid “fast lanes.” Under President Donald Trump,…

Trump Scrambles To Loosen America’s Biometric Data and Gig Worker Regulations

“Facing the prospect that President Trump could lose his re-election bid, his cabinet is scrambling to enact regulatory changes affecting millions of Americans in a blitz so rushed it may leave some changes vulnerable to court challenges,” reports the New York Times: The effort is evident in a broad range of federal agencies and encompasses proposals like easing limits on how…

DJI Promises ‘Local Data Mode’ To Fend Off US Government’s Mooted Ban

An anonymous reader quotes a report from The Register: Chinese drone maker DJI has commissioned yet another security audit with FTI Consulting that’s given it a clean bill of health, as the US government reportedly prepares to ban its remote controlled aircraft from American skies. DJI, whose headquarters are in the Chinese city of Shenzhen (the firm’s full name is Shenzhen…

American Sleep Medicine Professionals Call For an End to Daylight Saving Time

CNET reports: Twice a year most of the U.S. stumbles around in confusion while missing appointments, resetting their clocks and grumbling about daylight saving time. The American Academy of Sleep Medicine thinks we should knock that nonsense off and just stick with standard time year-round. The AASM released a position statement this week as an accepted paper in the Journal of…

Facebook Must Better Police Online Hate, State Attorneys General Say

Twenty state attorneys general on Wednesday called on Facebook to better prevent messages of hate, bias and disinformation from spreading, and said the company needed to provide more help to users facing online abuse. From a report: In a letter [PDF] to the social media giant, the officials said they regularly encountered people facing online intimidation and harassment on Facebook. They…

‘Into the Wild’ Bus Removed From Alaska Backcountry For Public Safety

An anonymous reader quotes a report from NBC News: An abandoned bus in the Alaska backcountry, popularized by the book “Into the Wild” and movie of the same name, was removed Thursday, state officials said. The decision prioritizes public safety, Alaska Natural Resources Commissioner Corri Feige said. The bus has long attracted adventurers to an area without cellphone service and marked…