Quantum memories entangled over 50-kilometer cable

A team of researchers affiliated with several institutions in China has succeeded in sending entangled quantum memories over a 50-kilometer coiled fiber cable. In their paper published in the journal Nature, the group describes several experiments they conducted involving entangling quantum memory over long distances, the challenges they overcame, and problems still to be addressed. …

Average Tenure of a CISO is Just 26 Months Due To High Stress and Burnout

Chief Information Security Officers (CISOs, or CSOs) across the industry are reporting high levels of stress. From a report: Many say the heightened stress levels has led to mental and physical health issues, relationship problems, medication and alcohol abuse, and in some cases, an eventual burnout, resulting in an average 26-month tenure before CISOs find new employment. The numbers, reported by…

How to Increase Female Participation in STEM (Gender Gap)

While you’ve likely heard the reasons why women leave STEM fields, Dr. Diana Bilimoria researches why they stay along with other ways to develop and advance the careers of women in STEM. Recognized internationally for her leadership and research, Dr. Diana Bilimoria is a Key Bank Professor and Chair of Organizational Behavior at the Weatherhead […]
The post How to Increase Female…

Facebook Workplace Co-Founder Launches Downtime Fire Alarm Kintaba

Facebook Workplace co-founder John Egan is launching Kintaba, “a more holistic solution to incident response,” reports TechCrunch. From the report: Code failure downtimes, server outages and hack attacks plague engineering teams. Yet the tools for waking up the right employees, assembling a team to fix the problem and doing a post-mortem to assess how to prevent it from happening again can…

Quantum technologies: New insights into superconducting processes

The development of a quantum computer that can solve problems, which classical computers can only solve with great effort or not at all—this is the goal currently being pursued by an ever-growing number of research teams worldwide. The reason: Quantum effects, which originate from the world of the smallest particles and structures, enable many new technological applications. So-called superconductors, which allow…

An ‘Anti-Solar Panel’ Could Generate Electricity At Night, Researchers Say

monkeyFuzz quotes Inverse: One of the problems with solar panels is that they don’t generate electricity at night, so we have to store the electricity they generate during the day to power things during the evening. That works fine, but what if we could develop solar panels that did generate electricity at night? It’s possible, and the way it works is…

What Makes A Dog Smart? Are Certain Dog Breeds Smarter?

Ever looked at your dog and wonder just what they’re thinking? That’s the question Dr. Brian Hare has spent his career trying to answer. He’s a scientist, New York Times bestselling author of the book, The Genius of Dogs, and Professor of Evolutionary Anthropology at Duke University in North Carolina. His publications on dog cognition […]
The post What Makes A Dog…

NASA Safety Panel Calls For Reviews After Second Starliner Software Problem

A second software problem during a CST-100 Starliner test flight is prompting a NASA safety panel to recommend a review of Boeing’s software verification processes. Space News reports: That new software problem, not previously discussed by NASA or Boeing, was discussed during a Feb. 6 meeting of NASA’s Aerospace Safety Advisory Panel that examined the December uncrewed test flight of Starliner…

The Iowa Caucuses App Could Have Been Hacked

A security firm consulted by ProPublica found that the “IowaReporter” app used to count and report votes from individual precincts in the Iowa Democratic caucuses was vulnerable to hacking. From the report: The IowaReporterApp was so insecure that vote totals, passwords and other sensitive information could have been intercepted or even changed, according to officials at Massachusetts-based Veracode, a security firm…