Nevada Democrats To Use iPads Loaded With Google Forms To Track Caucus

An anonymous reader quotes a report from CNET: Nevada’s Democratic Party said Thursday it plans to use iPads loaded with survey app Google Forms to calculate voting results in next week’s caucuses. The system is an effort to avoid a repeat of the Iowa caucus chaos. The app will be loaded onto 2,000 iPads purchased by the party and distributed to…

The Iowa Caucuses App Could Have Been Hacked

A security firm consulted by ProPublica found that the “IowaReporter” app used to count and report votes from individual precincts in the Iowa Democratic caucuses was vulnerable to hacking. From the report: The IowaReporterApp was so insecure that vote totals, passwords and other sensitive information could have been intercepted or even changed, according to officials at Massachusetts-based Veracode, a security firm…

Motherboard Publishes ‘Shadow’ App That Blew Up the Iowa Caucus

Motherboard has chosen to publish the app used to tabulate early voting results in Iowa’s Democratic Presidential primary. According to editor-in-chief Jason Koebler, “Trust and transparency are core to the U.S. electoral process,” and “that’s why Motherboard is publishing the app that malfunctioned in Iowa. From the report: The app, called IowaReporter, ultimately won’t affect the vote totals of the Iowa…

Iowa Caucus Debacle is One of the Most Stunning Tech Failures Ever

The Iowa caucus debacle represents one of the most stunning failures of information security ever. From a column: This failure was delivered by the same Iowa Democratic Party officials who have said for the last four years they were “ramping up” their technology capabilities, convening seemingly endless security task forces to ensure foreign powers did not disenfranchise voters, and collaborating with…