Two Ex-Apple Rock Stars Have Raised $30M To Build the Next iPhone

In 2017, two of Apple’s top design and technology executives decided to leave the company to start their own venture with an ambitious vision: to create the next big computing paradigm. That startup, called Humane, is now announcing that it has raised $30 million in a series A round of venture funding to continue developing its mysterious product. From a report:…

Termite intruders evolved cowardice to squat in another species’ nest

Inquiline termites can’t build their own nests and instead sneak into the homes built by another termite species. When the host attacks, the freeloaders run away Source:…

Google To Buy Stake In ADT In Home Security Push For $450 Million

An anonymous reader quotes a report from Reuters: Alphabet’s Google is picking up a 6.6% stake in ADT for $450 million, betting on the home security company’s strong customer base and an army of technicians to drive sales of its Nest devices. The investment gives ADT the backing of a high-profile technology partner and broadens its services business. In return, Google…

Birds nest inside the Loch Ness Monster’s head

The lack of visitors to the iconic Scottish loch during lockdown has made it possible for nature to take over. At this time of the year, Loch Ness is … Source:…

Learn to recognize the wildlife out your window

With careful observation, you can start to recognize a particular squirrel, or that certain cardinal pair that hangs out on your feeder. Source:…

Murder hornets? 5 questions answered about Asian giant hornets in North America

Are ‘murder hornets’ from Asia invading North America? An entomologist who lived among them in Japan explains what’s true about the predatory insects. Source:…

‘Murder Hornet’ Meme Inspires Stupid Americans To Kill Pollinators En Masse

An anonymous reader writes: You really can’t make this stuff up, but Americans across the country, out of fear of “murder hornets,” have begun killing all kinds of bees en masse. According to Doug Yanega, senior museum scientist for the Department of Entomology at UC Riverside, a national panic has led to the needless slaughter of native wasps and bees, beneficial…

Google Is Lowering Nest Camera Quality ‘To Conserve Internet Resources’

Google is temporarily lowering the video quality of its Nest security cameras to “conserve internet resources” during the COVID-19 pandemic. “The adjustment is rolling out over the next few days, and Google says anyone who has their quality settings adjusted will get a notification in the Nest app,” reports TechCrunch. From the report: While Nest cameras aren’t inherently using more bandwidth…

Top tips for feeding wild birds

It’s OK to feed wild birds. Here are some tips for doing it the right way from a wildlife ecologist. Source:…

Are Tesla’s Cameras a Threat To Our Privacy?

“I love that my car recorded a hit-and-run on my behalf,” writes a technology columnist at the Washington Post. “Yet I’m scared we’re not ready for the ways cameras pointed inside and outside vehicles will change the open road…” Long-time Slashdot reader Strudelkugel shared the Post’s report:
It’s not just crashes that will be different. Once governments, companies and parents get their…