Monarch butterflies are in trouble: Here’s how to help in your own yard

The 2020 annual count of monarch butterflies in the western United States found shockingly few, confirming fears that the insect is on the brink of extinction. Source:…

November butterflies!

Lovely photos of November butterflies from an ashram garden in India. Source:…

Butterflies are showing us how wildlife will cope with climate change

As warm-weather species flutter further toward the poles, we will end up with far fewer kinds of butterfly. Here’s what that means for biodiversity across the animal kingdom Source:…

Murder hornets? 5 questions answered about Asian giant hornets in North America

Are ‘murder hornets’ from Asia invading North America? An entomologist who lived among them in Japan explains what’s true about the predatory insects. Source:…

Moths Have ‘Secret Role’ As Crucial Pollinators, Research Finds

New research suggests moths play a vital role as overnight pollinators of a wide range of flowers and plants. The BBC reports: The study says that the moths’ transport networks are larger and more complex than those of daytime pollinators like bees. The authors believe there is an urgent need to stem declines in moth numbers. “There’s this big misconception that…

Why did Ecuador’s tallest waterfall stop flowing?

With water dropping 150 meters (490 feet) through a thick patch of cloud forest, San Rafael Waterfall was one of Ecuador’s most captivating landscapes and attracted tens of thousands of visitors per year. But on February 2, the water stopped flowing. Source:…

March equinox: All you need to know

The 2020 equinox comes March 20 at 03:50 UTC. It’s an event that happens on our sky’s dome and a seasonal marker in Earth’s orbit around the sun! Source:…