How to Make a Plan for Your Life and Set Personal Goals

Have you ever stopped to think about what you really want your life to be like? Dr. Richard Shell, an award-winning scholar, teacher, and author at the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania, has found that most people don’t. Luckily, he can help you get started. Below, listen to the conversation or read the […]
The post How to Make a…

Silicon Valley’s Newest Health Fad: Dopamine Fasting

“They have done biohacking, clean sleeping and the keto diet, but now Silicon Valley types have coined a new health trend — dopamine fasting,” reports the Guardian: It is thought that depriving yourself of the neurotransmitter, a chemical messenger that motivates us to do things, can help to reboot or rebalance the brain. Fasting might entail abstinence from technology, artificial light,…

Mindfulness meditation enhances positive effects of psilocybin

Recent years have seen a renewed interest in the clinical application of classic psychedelics in the treatment of depression and anxiety disorders. Researchers have now shown that mindfulness meditation can enhance the positive long-term effects of a single dose of psilocybin, which is found in certain mushrooms. Source:

Buddhist monk Gelong Thubten on the science of mindfulness

Meditation and mindfulness are useful for modern life, says Gelong Thubten, because they can help us be less controlled by stressful thoughts and emotions Source:…

Hidden Gems: Courses Recommended By You

Benjamin Franklin used the 5-hour rule as the recipe for his success: Every week, he would dedicate 5 hours to learning something new. A few weeks ago we asked if you were up for the 5-hour challenge and you blew us away with your response. You didn’t just tell us, you showed us the results […]
The post Hidden Gems: Courses Recommended…

An Ancient Path to Soul Completion

When I first started teaching, I gathered with my students in a small park in South Korea. Today, my students have much nicer facilities, practicing the exercises and principles I teach in centers around the world, now known in English-speaking countries as Body & Brain Yoga centers. I have struggled sometimes to know what to […] Source:…

The Pineal Gland, Seat of Spiritual Connection

You may think of the spiritual world as being completely beyond and outside of the body, but in fact spirituality is a built-in feature of the human brain. Just as we have ears to help us hear sound waves and eyes to help us see shapes and colors, we have a bodily organ to help […] Source:…