UK Politicians Call For ‘Making the Resale of Goods Purchased Using An Automated Bot an Illegal Activity’

Six Scottish National Party (SNP) politicians have put forward a motion for consideration in the UK parliament to prohibit the resale of games consoles and PC components at prices “greatly above” MSRP, and the resale of goods purchased using automated bots to be made illegal in these fair isles. PC Gamer reports: A motion on the “Resale of gaming consoles and…

The reason we love to gather around the TV lies in Stone Age embers

Watching TV and staring at flickering flames produce similar physiological effects, offering intriguing clues to the enduring power of entertainment – and the origins of sociability Source:…

What’s the birthstone for December?

If you were born December, you’ve got 2 birthstones, turquoise and zircon. Source:…

The Best Way To Win a Horse Race? Mathematicians May Have the Answer

sciencehabit summarizes a new article from Science magazine: Attention racehorse jockeys: Start fast, but save enough energy for a final kick. That’s the ideal strategy to win short-distance horse races, according to the first mathematical model to calculate how horses use up energy in races. The researchers say the approach could be used to identify customized pacing plans that, in theory,…

Tips on choosing telescopes and binoculars for beginners

Tips for beginners: how to choose binoculars or your first telescope. Source:…

FBI Warns of Email Forwarding Rules Being Abused in Recent Hacks

The US Federal Bureau of Investigation says that cyber-criminals are increasingly relying on email forwarding rules in order to disguise their presence inside hacked email accounts. From a report: In a PIN (Private Industry Notification) alert sent last week and made public today, the FBI says the technique has been seen and abused in recent BEC (Business Email Compromise) attacks reported…

‘Code Switch’ From NPR Is Apple’s Podcast of the Year

Apple has picked “Code Switch” as the best audio show of the year, marking the first time the company has recognized a single podcast in this way. Engadget reports: Code Switch is NPR’s weekly discussion on race. While the series has been on the air for the better part of seven years, it became significantly more popular over the summer as…

Uri Geller Finally Apologizes for Suing Pokemon 20 Years Ago

In January of the year 2000, Pokémon was sued by stage magician Uri Geller for $97 million (over a Pokémon card with a similar name that carried the magician’s trademark bent spoon). 20 years later, Kotaku reports…
Spoon-bending magician Uri Geller gave Nintendo permission to use the character Kadabra on Pokémon cards today, after a 20 year legal dispute in which Geller…

Python’s Steering Council Assesses the After-Guido Era

47 of Python’s core developers participated in this year’s Core Development Sprint, according to this report — “but what’s more important is the very real and necessary community building that seemed to have taken place…” It’s an especially critical time for Python, which switched to a steering council model in February of 2019, after Guido van Rossum had stepped down as…