AI Researchers Create Testing Tool To Find Bugs in NLP From Amazon, Google, and Microsoft

AI researchers have created a language-model testing tool that discovers major bugs in commercially available cloud AI offerings from Amazon, Google, and Microsoft. Yesterday, a paper detailing the CheckList tool received the Best Paper award from organizers of the Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL) conference. From a report: NLP models today are often evaluated based on how they perform on a…

Natural Language Processing Specialization from Q&A with Younes Bensouda Mourri

Younes Bensouda Mourri is an instructor of the new Natural Language Processing Specialization from on Coursera. The intermediate-level, four-course Specialization helps learners develop deep learning techniques to build cutting-edge NLP systems. Apart from his research interest in AI, Younes is actively working to better AI education for some of the brightest minds at Stanford […]
The post Natural Language Processing Specialization…

See how Rayan found a new career path in digital marketing

Meet Rayan, a 26-year-old marketing analyst from Belo Horizonte, Brazil. In this post, he discusses his journey to a successful digital marketing career, and how his commitment to learning new skills on Coursera helped make it possible. Ready for a change After completing my Bachelor’s degree in Linguistics in 2016, I stayed unemployed for two […]
The post See how Rayan found…

Sagi: From studying for exams to studying for himself

Sagi is a learner from Jakarta who kindly reached out to us to share his story on how Coursera changed his life. In his own words, here’s his story of self improvement and continuous learning. A Whole New World of Opportunity I came to Coursera thinking I’d just be learning topics that pique my interest. […]
The post Sagi: From studying for…

Hidden Gems: Courses Recommended By You

Benjamin Franklin used the 5-hour rule as the recipe for his success: Every week, he would dedicate 5 hours to learning something new. A few weeks ago we asked if you were up for the 5-hour challenge and you blew us away with your response. You didn’t just tell us, you showed us the results […]
The post Hidden Gems: Courses Recommended…