Hacker Leaks Data of 2.28 Million Dating Site Users

An anonymous reader quotes a report from ZDNet: A well-known hacker has leaked the details of more than 2.28 million users registered on MeetMindful.com, a dating website founded in 2014, ZDNet has learned this week from a security researcher. The dating site’s data has been shared as a free download on a publicly accessible hacking forum known for its trade in…

Mercury’s greatest evening elongation January 23-24

Mercury will be at its greatest elongation January 23. Source: https://earthsky.org/tonight/mercurys-greatest-evening-elongation…

Look for Cassiopeia and the Big Dipper

Watch the celestial clock and its 2 great big hour hands – Cassiopeia and the Big Dipper – as they swing around the North Star every night! Source: https://earthsky.org/tonight/cassiopeia-and-big-dipper…

Young moon and Mercury in mid-January 2021

These next several days – January 14, 15 and 16, 2021 – you can spot the waxing crescent moon and innermost planet Mercury, near the sunset point. Source: https://earthsky.org/tonight/young-moon-and-mercury-in-mid-january…

Dell’s New Monitors Have a Dedicated Microsoft Teams Button

Dell is launching three new monitors next month, and all of them come with a dedicated Microsoft Teams button. The Verge reports: Dell claims it has created the “world’s first video conferencing monitors certified for Microsoft Teams,” after Microsoft started certifying displays, webcams, and headsets last year. Three monitors will be available next month, all offering quick access to Microsoft Teams….

Personal solstices

Photos from EarthSky community members around the world, showing what the December solstice – bringing winter to half of Earth, and summer to the other half – means to them. Thanks to all of you for sharing these evocative images with us! Source: https://earthsky.org/todays-image/personal-solstices-photos-dec-earthsky-community…

The Large Magellanic Cloud, our galactic neighbor

The Large Magellanic Cloud is a petite galaxy visible with the unaided eye – all year round – for those in the Southern Hemisphere. This small neighboring galaxy to the Milky Way is somewhere between spiral and irregular in shape. Source: https://earthsky.org/clusters-nebulae-galaxies/the-large-magellanic-cloud…

Moon lights up Gemini December 2 and 3

These next few nights – December 2 and 3 – the bright waning gibbous moon shines in front of the constellation Gemini the Twins. Find this constellation, and you’ve found the radiant point for the Geminid meteor shower, due to peak on December 13-14. Source: https://earthsky.org/tonight/moon-lights-up-gemini-december-2-and-3…

Schedar shines brightly at the Queen’s heart

Orange-hued Schedar is the brightest star in the distinctive W-shaped northern constellation Cassiopeia the Queen. Source: https://earthsky.org/brightest-stars/schedar-short-life-of-burning-bright…

Will SpaceX’s Starlink satellites ruin stargazing?

SpaceX’s satellites will populate the night sky, affecting how we observe the stars. And this is just the beginning of private satellite mega-constellations. Source: https://earthsky.org/human-world/will-spacex-starlink-satellites-ruin-stargazing…