Machines Are Inventing New Math We’ve Never Seen

An anonymous reader quotes a report from Motherboard: [A] group of researchers from the Technion in Israel and Google in Tel Aviv presented an automated conjecturing system that they call the Ramanujan Machine, named after the mathematician Srinivasa Ramanujan, who developed thousands of innovative formulas in number theory with almost no formal training. The software system has already conjectured several original…

Is nonlocality inherent in all identical particles in the universe?

What is interaction, and when does it occur? Intuition suggests that the necessary condition for the interaction of independently created particles is their direct touch or contact through physical force carriers. In quantum mechanics, the result of the interaction is entanglement—the appearance of non-classical correlations in the system. It seems that quantum theory allows entanglement of independent particles without any contact….

Q&A with Shira Lee Katz, Head of Content Strategy at Coursera

1. Tell us about yourself and your experience. After 20 years of work (and play) in a variety of fields—content strategy, learning, kids, and more—one thing I can say is that anywhere, anytime learning is powerful. “Anywhere, anytime learning” is the notion that learning isn’t confined to the four walls of a classroom. Rather, it […]
The post Q&A with Shira Lee…

High-Paid, Well-Educated White Collar Workers Will Be Heavily Affected By AI, Says New Report

An anonymous reader quotes a report from CNBC: A new study published by the Brookings Institution takes a closer look at jobs that are the most exposed to artificial intelligence (AI), a subset of automation where machines learn to use judgment and logic to complete tasks — and to what degree. For the study, Stanford University doctoral candidate Michael Webb analyzed…

Quantum vacuum: Less than zero energy

Energy is a quantity that must always be positive—at least that’s what our intuition tells us. If every single particle is removed from a certain volume until there is nothing left that could possibly carry energy, then a limit has been reached. Or has it? Is it still possible to extract energy even from empty space? …

In quantum mechanics, the pigeon and the letter do not always travel together

In standard communication the pigeon always carries the message; the information is linked to a physical entity/particle. Counter to intuition, in a new counterfactual communication protocol published in NPJ Quantum Information, scientists from the University of Vienna, the University of Cambridge and the MIT have experimentally demonstrated that in quantum mechanics this is not always true, thereby contradicting a crucial premise…

5 Ingredients of an Entrepreneurial Mindset – According to Top Innovators

Whether you’re building your startup or pursuing “intrapreneurial” ventures within an established company, the journey of an innovator can be a rollercoaster of thrilling highs – and challenging lows. That’s why success isn’t just about having an entrepreneurial skillset – it’s about having the right mindset to carry you through the inevitable tough times.  You […]
The post 5 Ingredients of an…

Simulating quantum systems with neural networks

Even on the scale of everyday life, nature is governed by the laws of quantum physics. These laws explain common phenomena like light, sound, heat, or even the trajectories of balls on a pool table. But when applied to a large number of interacting particles, the laws of quantum physics actually predict a variety of phenomena that defy intuition. …

The Pineal Gland, Seat of Spiritual Connection

You may think of the spiritual world as being completely beyond and outside of the body, but in fact spirituality is a built-in feature of the human brain. Just as we have ears to help us hear sound waves and eyes to help us see shapes and colors, we have a bodily organ to help […] Source:…