When will Betelgeuse explode?

The red supergiant star will explode in a supernova, close enough to shine brightly during the day but far enough away that Earth won’t be in danger. Source: https://earthsky.org/brightest-stars/betelgeuse-will-explode-someday…

Voice Assistants Are Doing a Poor Job of Conveying Information About Voting

Kyle Wiggers, reporting for VentureBeat: Over 111.8 million people in the U.S. talk to voice assistants like Siri, Alexa, and Google Assistant every month, eMarketer estimates. Tens of millions of those people use assistants as data-finding tools, with the Global Web Index reporting that 25% of adults regularly perform voice searches on smartphones. But while voice assistants can answer questions about…

How We Can Save the Comic Book Industry?

destinyland writes: For the first time in many years, the first Saturday in May won’t mark Free Comic Book Day, as the worldwide comic celebration at comic-book stores has been postponed amid coronavirus concerns,” reports Oklahoma’s largest newspaper — saying it’s been postponed to an unspecified new date in the future. But they’re suggesting fans can support their local shops anyways,…

Q&A with Shira Lee Katz, Head of Content Strategy at Coursera

1. Tell us about yourself and your experience. After 20 years of work (and play) in a variety of fields—content strategy, learning, kids, and more—one thing I can say is that anywhere, anytime learning is powerful. “Anywhere, anytime learning” is the notion that learning isn’t confined to the four walls of a classroom. Rather, it […]
The post Q&A with Shira Lee…

Ask Slashdot: How Will The Internet Affect The Next Generation?

dryriver writes: Growing up in the 1980s/90s I don’t remember being embroiled in many “heated arguments” with youths my own age. There were small differences of opinion on various things — whether a band is a great or not, whether a book is worth reading or whatever — but nothing anywhere near the heated opinion battles that can be seen in…

Was ‘The Matrix’ Part of Cinema’s Last Great Year?

In 2014 Esquire argued that great movies like The Matrix “predicted a revolution in film that never happened,” adding “We are in many ways worse off now than we were 15 years ago as a culture. We seem to have run out of original ideas.” This week two film critics debated whether 1999 was in fact cinema’s last great year. Slashdot…

The Cast of Avengers: Endgame Rendered in Traditional Japanese Ukiyo-e Style

Wherever in the world you live, you’ve heard of Avengers: Endgame, and may well have seen it already — or, depending on your enthusiasm for superheroes, may well have seen it more than a few times. It comes, as fans need not be reminded, as the culmination of a 22-film series in the Marvel Cinematic Universe […]

The Cast of <i>Avengers: Endgame</i> Rendered…

Our incel problem

Source: https://www.vox.com/the-highlight/2019/4/16/18287446/incel-definition-reddit…