GitHub Reverses Takedown of Code for Anime Torrent Site Despite Film Group’s DMCA’s developer newsletter spotted this code repository story:
GitHub posted a DMCA notice it received from the Motion Picture Association (MPA) last week asking the platform to take down a repository associated with, a popular torrent site specializing in anime content. The DMCA captured attention as the code doesn’t belong to the MPA. Rather, the MPA argues the code is used…

How DNSpooq Attacks Could Poison DNS Cache Records

Earlier this week security experts disclosed details on seven vulnerabilities impacting Dnsmasq, “a popular DNS software package that is commonly deployed in networking equipment, such as routers and access points,” reports ZDNet. “The vulnerabilities tracked as DNSpooq, impact Dnsmasq, a DNS forwarding client for *NIX-based operating systems.” Slashdot reader Joe2020 shared Help Net Security’s quote from Shlomi Oberman, CEO and researcher…

Urban Explorers Discover A Treasure Trove Of Soviet Computing Power

“The building did not stand out. Unremarkable industrial building, which was built in hundreds of Soviet cities,” explains a web site called Russian Urban Exploration. Hackaday describes what happened next:
It’s probably a dream most of us share, to stumble upon a dusty hall full of fascinating abandoned tech frozen in time as though its operators walked away one day and simply…

Disney Forces Explicit Club Penguin Clones Offline

“Disney has ordered unauthorized copies of its Club Penguin game to close, after the BBC found children were being exposed to explicit messages,” the British publication reports. The social network was shut down by Disney in 2017, causing unofficial clones of the website to launch on private servers using stolen or copied source code. The BBC reports: Visits to fan-run Club…

People Are Killing Puppy Clones That Don’t Come Out ‘Perfect’

An anonymous reader shares a months-old report, which is getting some attention this week: Many clones are born with defects and genetic disorders, and since those imperfections aren’t what their buyer is spending tens of thousands of dollars on, they end up discarded. That’s the price. Neonatal complications for cloned animals abound: Poor placenta and fetal development in the womb lead…

Why Is ‘Rise of Skywalker’ Dividing Critics and Fans?

“After opening 20 percent behind Star Wars: The Last Jedi last weekend, Skywalker has almost caught up with its predecessor as it heads for the $1 billion mark in a fitting end to Disney’s unprecedented domination at the 2019 box office,” writes the Hollywood Reporter. But Forbes senior contributor Paul Tassi notes that critics seem to hate it — while it’s…

Analogue Announces Game Boy Clone Dubbed ‘Analogue Pocket’

Analogue is set to announce a new Game Boy clone. From a report: Analogue, known for their FPGA (Field Programmable Gate Array)-based hardware clones of the NES, SNES, and Sega Genesis/Megadrive, will be launching a handheld addition to their lineup called the “Analogue Pocket.” The unit will be compatible with the entire library of Game Boy and Game Boy Color games,…

5 Ingredients of an Entrepreneurial Mindset – According to Top Innovators

Whether you’re building your startup or pursuing “intrapreneurial” ventures within an established company, the journey of an innovator can be a rollercoaster of thrilling highs – and challenging lows. That’s why success isn’t just about having an entrepreneurial skillset – it’s about having the right mindset to carry you through the inevitable tough times.  You […]
The post 5 Ingredients of an…

John Romero Finally Releases Fifth Episode of ‘Doom’ For Free

John Romero has finally released Sigil, his unofficial fifth episode of Doom with nine new single-player levels and nine deathmatch levels. It’s available for free on Romero’s web site (though you’ll also need the original Doom to play it). Hot Hardware reports:
If you want to know what Sigil is about, Romero explains it best. He wrote, “After killing the Spiderdemon at…