GitHub Reverses Takedown of Code for Anime Torrent Site Despite Film Group’s DMCA’s developer newsletter spotted this code repository story:
GitHub posted a DMCA notice it received from the Motion Picture Association (MPA) last week asking the platform to take down a repository associated with, a popular torrent site specializing in anime content. The DMCA captured attention as the code doesn’t belong to the MPA. Rather, the MPA argues the code is used…

Facebook Hit With Antitrust Probe For Tying Oculus Use To Facebook Accounts

Facebook is being investigated in Germany for linking usage of its Oculus VR headset to having a Facebook account. TechCrunch reports: Germany’s Federal Cartel Office (aka, the Bundeskartellamt) said today that it’s instigated abuse proceedings against Facebook to examine the linkage between Oculus VR products and its eponymous social network. In a statement, its president, Andreas Mundt, said: “In the future,…

Amazon Investigated By German Watchdog For Abusing Dominance During Pandemic

An anonymous reader quotes a report from CNBC: Amazon is being investigated by German authorities for allegedly abusing its market position during the coronavirus pandemic. The investigation, being led by the German Federal Cartel Office, is looking at Amazon’s relationship with third-party sellers on its platform. It began around April and comes after the Cartel Office received a number of complaints….

Bitcoin Drops Almost 30 Percent To Under $5,800

Draconi writes: The price of Bitcoin dropped from it’s March 6th, 2020 high of $9,126 to under $5,800 today as market sell-offs accelerated with the S&P and Dow Jones dropping 7% in early hours trading. Bitcoin, long considered to be a safe-haven during times of economic stress, currently costs at least $4,313 in electricity per coin to generate. The latest drop…

EU Judge Raises Prospect of Increasing Multibillion Fine Against Google

Alphabet’s appeal against a multibillion-dollar fine for alleged anticompetitive behavior by its Google unit risks backfiring after a European Union court floated the prospect of increasing the fine (Warning: source paywalled; alternative source), rather than scrapping it. The Wall Street Journal reports: In a surprise twist Friday at the end of a three-day hearing, one of five judges on the panel…

Justice Department To Abolish Movie Distribution Rules Dating To 1949

An anonymous reader quotes a report from The New York Times: The Justice Department said on Monday that it planned to overturn antitrust-related movie distribution rules from the early days of Hollywood (Warning: source may be paywalled; alternative source), citing an entertainment landscape that has been radically reshaped by technology. “We cannot pretend that the business of film distribution and exhibition…

Facebook Succeeds In Blocking German FCO’s Privacy-Minded Order Against Combining User Data

Facebook has succeeded in blocking a pioneering order by Germany’s Federal Cartel Office earlier this year that would have banned it from combining data on users across its own suite of social platforms — Facebook, Instagram and WhatsApp — without their consent. TechCrunch reports: Pioneering because the antitrust regulator had liaised with EU privacy authorities during a long-running investigation of Facebook’s…