Introducing Mosquitos Infected with Bacterium Reduced Dengue Fever Cases By 75%

Last year nearly 400 million people experienced Dengue fever, according to All Things Considered. (Just Brazil alone had more than 2 million cases.) But The World Mosquito Project is trying an interesting solution: Scientists are cultivating and releasing mosquitoes, except these mosquitoes are special: They’ve been infected with a bacterium called Wolbachia. Wolbachia occurs naturally in many insects, but not normally…

Tons of acorns in your yard? It must be a mast year

Masting is what biologists call the pattern of trees for miles around synchronizing to all produce lots of seeds – or very few. Why and how do they get on schedule? Source:…

Who knew? Plants ‘panic’ when it rains

Using a spray bottle to simulate rain, researchers found a “panic-like” response in plants. Complex chemical warning signals were passed from leaf to leaf and even communicated to other plants. Source:…

Ultimate Tree Care Guide For Homesteading

If  you want to plant and grow your own trees this year then you’re in luck. This Tree Care Guide infographic is everything you’ve hoped for and more. Check it out below! Tree Care Guide Trees complete any homestead. They give shade, fruit and creates a great ambiance altogether. But did you know that there’s…Continue Reading
The post Ultimate Tree Care Guide…

151 Types of Flowers Common In The U.S. & Their Characteristics

Check out 151 Types of Flowers common in the US. This guide is great for picking and choosing your very own garden, or custom bouquet! Scroll through to find your perfect bloom. —This post is courtesy of (Original publish date January 18, 2016), Shared with permission— 151 Types of Flowers Common In The U.S. &…Continue Reading
The post 151 Types of Flowers…

Night vision specialists: cats, bats, and owls

Three spooky Halloween animals see better at night than we do. Here’s how they do it. Source:…

Tiny stature of extinct ‘Hobbit’ thanks to fast evolution

New research suggests that the tiny human species – that survived until about 18,000 years ago, later than any human species other than our own – evolved its small size remarkably quickly while living on an isolated island. Source:…

Why leaves change color in fall

The vivid yellows and oranges of autumn leaves are there throughout spring and summer, but hidden. Source:…