The ocean in the autumn sky

In Northern Hemisphere autumn (Southern Hemisphere spring), you can see a group of constellations that represented an “ocean” to the early stargazers. Source:…

Senate Republicans Vote To Subpoena Facebook and Twitter CEOs About Alleged Censorship

Republicans on the Senate Judiciary Committee voted to authorize subpoenas for Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg and Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey to testify about their handling of a recent unverified New York Post article about former Vice President Joe Biden’s son. From a report: Twelve Republicans on the committee voted to authorize the subpoenas and ten Democrats sat out the markup in…

FCC Will Move To Regulate Social Media After Censorship Outcry

An anonymous reader quotes a report from The Verge: On Thursday, Federal Communications Commission Chairman Ajit Pai said that the agency will seek to regulate social media platforms like Facebook and Twitter at the behest of the Trump administration’s executive order signed earlier this year. “Members of all three branches of the federal government have expressed serious concerns about the prevailing…

NASA’s Planet Patrol wants you to join the search for exoplanets

Do you want to be a planet-hunter? NASA has launched a new citizen science website called Planet Patrol where volunteers can help search for exoplanets in data from the TESS space telescope. Source:…

Tesco, One of the World’s Largest Supermarket Operators, Sets 300% Sales Target For Plant-Based Alternatives To Meat

An anonymous reader quotes a report from The Guardian: Tesco is to become the first UK retailer to set a sales target for plant-based alternatives to meat as it steps up efforts to offer shoppers more sustainable options. The UK’s largest supermarket will on Tuesday commit to boosting sales of meat alternatives by 300% within five years, by 2025. Over the…

Dark matter hunter who accidentally found ‘Fermi bubbles’ wins $50,000 physics prize

Tracy Slatyer, known for hunting dark matter in our galaxy and discovering evidence of an ancient Milky Way explosion, has won a $50,000 prize funded by tech billionaires. Source:

See the Winter Circle before dawn

These next few days, before daybreak, let Venus, the 3rd-brightest celestial body, after the sun and moon, respectively, serve as your guide to the majestic Winter Circle. Source:…

Netflix’s John Was Trying to Contact Aliens is amazing and moving

John Was Trying to Contact Aliens is a 16-minute film that brilliantly captures the eccentric 1970s world of UFO hunter John Shepherd, who built kit to hunt aliens, playing jazz and reggae to lure them Source:…

Born under the sign of Ophiuchus?

Born between November 29 and December 18? If so, the sun passes in front of Ophiuchus on your birthday. Source:…

Mysterious dimming of Betelgeuse explained?

Observations with the Hubble Space Telescope revealed a large amount of dense hot gas moving outwards through Betelgeuse’s extended atmosphere. This gas might have cooled and formed a dust cloud that partially blocked the star’s light as seen from Earth, earlier this year. Source:…