Facebook Removed Seven Million Posts In Second Quarter For False Coronavirus Info

Facebook said on Tuesday it removed 7 million posts in the second quarter for sharing false information about the novel coronavirus, including content that promoted fake preventative measures and exaggerated cures. Reuters reports: It released the data as part of its sixth Community Standards Enforcement Report, which it introduced in 2018 along with more stringent decorum rules in response to a…

Facebook Removes QAnon Conspiracy Group With 200,000 Members

An anonymous reader quotes a report from the BBC: Facebook has deleted a large group dedicated to sharing and discussing QAnon conspiracy theories. QAnon is a wide-ranging, unfounded conspiracy theory that a “deep state” network of powerful government, business and media figures are waging a secret war against Donald Trump. A Facebook spokeswoman said the group was removed for “repeatedly posting…

Facebook Must Better Police Online Hate, State Attorneys General Say

Twenty state attorneys general on Wednesday called on Facebook to better prevent messages of hate, bias and disinformation from spreading, and said the company needed to provide more help to users facing online abuse. From a report: In a letter [PDF] to the social media giant, the officials said they regularly encountered people facing online intimidation and harassment on Facebook. They…

Twitter Permanently Bans White Supremacist David Duke

Twitter said on Friday it has permanently banned white supremacist David Duke from its platform for violating the platform’s rules on hate speech. From a report: Duke’s account “has been permanently suspended for Twitter Rules on hateful conduct,” a Twitter spokesperson said in a statement. Twitter’s policy, revised in March, prohibits posts that promote violence or threats of violence against people…

Trump and Biden Attack Social Media – By Running Ads on Social Media

In 100 days the U.S. will vote on whether Donald Trump, Joe Biden or somebody else should be America’s president. But both candidates are also running political ads attacking social media — on social media. “They’re shooting the messenger while giving it lots of money,” reports the Associated Press: Biden has focused on Facebook, with a #MoveFastFixIt campaign that admonishes Facebook…

Yahoo Disables All Article Comments

Yahoo has replaced the comments section under its articles with a survey. Now, there’s a message that reads: “Our goal is to create a safe and engaging place for users to connect over interests and passions. In order to improve our community experience, we are temporarily suspending article commenting. In the meantime, we welcome your feedback to help us enhance the…

Facebook Ignored Racial Bias Research, Employees Say

An anonymous reader quotes a report from NBC News: In mid-2019, researchers at Facebook began studying a new set of rules proposed for the automated system that Instagram uses to remove accounts for bullying and other infractions. What they found was alarming. Users on the Facebook-owned Instagram in the United States whose activity on the app suggested they were Black were…

Disney Reportedly Joins Facebook Boycott, Slashes Ad Spending

An anonymous reader quotes the Verge: Disney has significantly reduced its spending on Facebook and Instagram ads amid concerns about the social media platform’s enforcement of its content policies, The Wall Street Journal reported. It joins a list of large companies that have cut back on Facebook ads as part of an effort to compel Facebook to change how it handles…

Facebook Boycott Leaders ‘Disappointed’ After Meeting With Zuckerberg, Sandberg

Leaders from four of the organizations spearheading the #StopHateforProfit campaign sat down with Mark Zuckerberg, Sheryl Sandberg and Chief Product Officer Chris Cox today to discuss the demands of a large advertiser boycott that now includes hundreds of brands. According to Anti-Defamation League CEO Jonathan Greenblatt, the chat was an unequivocal disappointment. “Today we saw little and heard just about nothing,”…

How do fireworks get their colors?

The beautiful, vibrant colors we see in fireworks – so good at stirring our emotions – are created simply, by pure chemistry. Source: https://earthsky.org/human-world/how-do-fireworks-get-their-vibrant-colors…