New biomass map takes stock of Earth’s carbon

ESA released the 1st of a series of global maps aimed at quantifying change in carbon stored as biomass across the world’s forests and shrublands. Source:…

The World May Already Have Crossed a Series of Climate Tipping Points

The world may already have crossed a series of climate tipping points, according to a stark warning from scientists. This risk is “an existential threat to civilization,” they say, meaning “we are in a state of planetary emergency.” From a report: Tipping points are reached when particular impacts of global heating become unstoppable, such as the runaway loss of ice sheets…

India’s Ominous Future: Too Little Water, or Far Too Much

Throughout India, the number of days with very heavy rains has increased over the last century. At the same time, the dry spells between storms have gotten longer. Showers that reliably penetrate the soil are less common. For a country that relies on rain for the vast share of its water, that combination is potentially ruinous. The New York Times reports:…

Tons of acorns in your yard? It must be a mast year

Masting is what biologists call the pattern of trees for miles around synchronizing to all produce lots of seeds – or very few. Why and how do they get on schedule? Source:…

This ancient rhino roamed the Yukon

Fossils suggest that a long-extinct cousin of today’s rhinoceroses tromped through the forests of Northwest Canada roughly 8 to 9 million years ago. Source:…

More Than 11,000 Scientists From Around the World Declare a ‘Climate Emergency’

An anonymous reader quotes a report from The Guardian: The world’s people face “untold suffering due to the climate crisis” unless there are major transformations to global society, according to a stark warning from more than 11,000 scientists. “We declare clearly and unequivocally that planet Earth is facing a climate emergency,” it states. “To secure a sustainable future, we must change…

Why don’t evergreen trees change color and drop their leaves?

As temperatures drop, broad-leafed deciduous trees – think maples and oaks – withdraw the green chlorophyll from their leaves. Their leaves turn colors and fall. Evergreens solve the problem of winter in a different way. Source:…

151 Types of Flowers Common In The U.S. & Their Characteristics

Check out 151 Types of Flowers common in the US. This guide is great for picking and choosing your very own garden, or custom bouquet! Scroll through to find your perfect bloom. —This post is courtesy of (Original publish date January 18, 2016), Shared with permission— 151 Types of Flowers Common In The U.S. &…Continue Reading
The post 151 Types of Flowers…

Did asteroid collision trigger Earth’s abrupt cooling 12,800 years ago?

Why did Earth’s climate rapidly cool 12,800 years ago? New evidence suggests that a comet or asteroid collision is to blame, with support coming from the bottom of a South Carolina lake. Source:…