Touchdown: NASA’s Perseverance rover ready to search for life on Mars

After seven months in space, NASA’s Perseverance rover overcame a tense landing phase with a series of perfectly executed maneuvers to gently float down to the Martian soil Thursday and embark on its mission to search for signs of past life. Source:…

Exxon Holds Back on Technology That Could Slow Climate Change

Carbon capture can make money for oil giants, and scientists say we need it. Is the industry willing to invest enough? From a report: Elk and pronghorn antelope migrate each fall through southern Wyoming, where the sparsely vegetated landscape slowly gives way to the foothills of the Rocky Mountains. Interrupting this serene vista is a dense web of steel pipes, tanks,…

Coursera Comes Together with Disney and Pixar to Inspire Learners to Explore Their Passions and Achieve New Goals

By Stephanie Hale, Director of Brand, Coursera New course from the University of Michigan and exclusive course collections explore themes from the upcoming Disney and Pixar movie, “Soul” During times of change and uncertainty, we find joy and purpose in the world around us—in the moments that reveal the beauty of the human spirit. Time […]
The post Coursera Comes Together with…

Xen Project Officially Ports Its Hypervisor To Raspberry Pi 4

The Xen Project has ported its hypervisor to the 64-bit Raspberry Pi 4. The Register reports: The idea to do an official port bubbled up from the Xen community and then reached the desk of George Dunlap, chairman of the Xen Project’s Advisory Board. Dunlap mentioned the idea to an acquaintance who works at the Raspberry Pi Foundation, and was told…

Slick New ‘Dream Chaser’ Space Plane Set For Launch in 2021

Syfy reports:
Soaring into the wild blue yonder and beyond, the planet’s only non-capsule, private orbital spacecraft, Dream Chaser, is slated to make its first flight sometime next year shuttling supplies and cargo to the International Space Station for NASA. This stylish unmanned space plane was recently given its official name, Tenacity, and a pair of exotic composite material wings to complete…

Pre-Clinical Test of Johnson & Johnson Vaccine Shows It Protected Monkeys from Covid-19

“Johnson & Johnson’s experimental coronavirus vaccine protected macaque monkeys with a single shot in a pre-clinical study, potentially gaining on other vaccines that are further along in testing but require two doses over time,” reports Bloomberg:
Five of six primates exposed to the pandemic-causing pathogen were immune after a single injection. The exception showed low levels of the virus, according to a…

Orbiter set to launch in mission to reveal Sun’s secrets

The European Space Agency is set to embark upon one of its most ambitious projects to date, with the launch late Sunday from Florida’s Cape Canaveral of its Solar Orbiter probe bound for the Sun. Source:…

Solar Orbiter set to reveal Sun’s secrets

The European Space Agency will embark upon one of its most ambitious projects to date Sunday when its Solar Orbiter probe launches from Florida’s Cape Canaveral bound for the Sun. Source:…

SPIDER mission will assemble and manufacture a communications antenna in space

It has been suggested that if humanity truly wants to embark on a renewed era of space exploration, one of the key ingredients is the ability to manufacture structures in space. By assembling everything from satellites to spacecraft in orbit, we would eliminate the most costly aspect of going to space. This, simply put, is the sheer expense of escaping Earth’s…

Dad Takes Son To Mongolia Just To Get Him Off His Phone

An anonymous reader quotes a report from the BBC: Riding through a remote valley in Mongolia on the back of his motorbike, adventurer Jamie Clarke let the hum of the engine and the wind echo in his mind while his thoughts wandered. After several hours, he pulled over to shake off his helmet and take a look at the map. This…