Software Could Help Reform Policing — If Only Police Unions Wanted It

tedlistens writes: The CEO of Taser maker Axon, Rick Smith, has a lot of high-tech ideas for fixing policing. One idea for identifying potentially abusive behavior is AI, integrated with the company’s increasingly ubiquitous body cameras and the footage they produce. In a patent application filed last month, Axon describes the ability to search video not only for words and locations…

Is Virtual Burning Man the Internet’s Ultimate Test?

An anonymous reader shares an opinion piece from The New York Times, written by Neil Shister, author of “Radical Ritual: How Burning Man Changed the World.” Here’s an excerpt: In perhaps the ultimate test of whether the internet can satisfyingly replicate the real world, Burning Man has gone online this year. The notion isn’t as much of a mismatch as it…

How App Developers Manipulate Your Mood To Boost Ranking?

Higher ratings are the ‘lifeblood’ of the smartphone app world but what if they are inflated? From a report: Rating an iPhone app takes just a second, maybe two. “Enjoying Skype?” a prompt will ask, and you click on a 1-5 star rating. Millions of people respond to these requests, giving little thought to their fleeting whim. Behind the scenes, though,…

Complain Like the French To Boost Health Or Spiral Into the Negative?

“In France, a complaint is an appropriate and frequent conversation starter — but the appropriateness of when, to whom and about what to complain is a delicate art,” writes Emily Monaco via the BBC. Slashdot reader omfglearntoplay shares excerpts from the report: Many a conversation in France begins with a sigh and a lament. The French attitude towards complaining is uncomfortable…

Your ‘Doomscrolling’ Breeds Anxiety. Health Experts Offer Ways To Stop the Cycle

An anonymous reader quotes a report from NPR: So many of us do it: You get into bed, turn off the lights, and look at your phone to check Twitter one more time. You see that coronavirus infections are up. Maybe your kids can’t go back to school. The economy is cratering. Still, you incessantly scroll though bottomless doom-and-gloom news for…

Why People Are More Honest When Writing on Their Smartphones

The restaurant review that divulges distressing family dynamics. The Facebook post that rehashes an embarrassing encounter. The tweet that reveals a phobia few people know about. On our smartphones, we are quick to reveal private emotions and highly personal experiences to faceless strangers. From a report: Building on her earlier research that equated smartphones with adult pacifiers, Shiri Melumad, an assistant…

Facebook Tool To Export Pictures To Google Photos Now Available

shanen shares a report from Android Police: Late last year, Facebook announced a tool to let users easily migrate their uploaded photos to Google Photos. The tool was initially available in Ireland, with plans to expand to more countries in the first half of this year. The social network has made good on those plans by expanding the rollout to the…

Scientists Find Brain Center That ‘Profoundly’ Shuts Down Pain

A research team from Duke University has found a small area of the brain in mice that can profoundly shut down pain. “It’s located in an area where few people would have thought to look for an anti-pain center, the amygdala, which is often considered the home of negative emotions and responses, like the fight or flight response and general anxiety,”…