Twitter Removes 9,000 Accounts Pushing Coronavirus Propaganda Praising the United Arab Emirates

An anonymous reader quotes a report from BuzzFeed News: On April 2, Twitter took down a pro-United Arab Emirates network of accounts that was pushing propaganda about the coronavirus pandemic and criticizing Turkey’s military intervention in Libya. Previously tied to marketing firms in the region, parts of this network were removed by Facebook and Twitter last year. The network was made…

How to model a pandemic

Behind every government announcement, there is an army of epidemiologists predicting how the virus will spread, and how to beat it. Source:…

Mimosa, 2nd-brightest in Southern Cross

To see Mimosa, you need to be at the latitude of New Orleans, Hawaii, Cairo or New Delhi. From the southern hemisphere, Mimosa is a prominent and beloved star. Source:…

A tangle of stars in Berenices’ Hair

Berenice’s Hair – aka Coma Berenices – requires a dark sky to be seen. But it’s worth the effort, a wonderful star cluster! Source:…

The stunning east Asian city that dates to the dawn of civilisation

The mysterious Liangzhu civilisation was a neolithic “Venice of the East”, rivalling ancient Egypt and Mesopotamia with its engineering marvels Source:…