Mimosa, 2nd-brightest in Southern Cross

To see Mimosa, you need to be at the latitude of New Orleans, Hawaii, Cairo or New Delhi. From the southern hemisphere, Mimosa is a prominent and beloved star. Source: https://earthsky.org/brightest-stars/southern-mimosa-is-the-19th-brightest-star…

Achernar is the End of the River

Achernar is the 9th brightest star and flattest star known. It’s famous as the southernmost bright star in the constellation Eridanus the River. Here’s why much of Earth never sees it … and how you can. Source: https://earthsky.org/brightest-stars/bright-achernar-ends-the-southern-river…

Fomalhaut: The loneliest star

It’s also sometimes called the autumn star for us in the Northern Hemisphere. In its large dark patch of sky, only Fomalhaut shines brightly. Here’s how to see it. Source: https://earthsky.org/brightest-stars/solitary-fomalhaut-guards-the-southern-sky…

Acrux, brightest star in Southern Cross

Constellation Crux photo by Christopher J Picking in New Zealand. Acrux is at the bottom of the Cross. More information about this photo here. Used with permission Bluish Acrux, otherwise known as Alpha Crucis, is the brightest star in the constellation Crux the Southern Cross. It is the 13th brightest star in all the sky.… Continue reading Acrux, brightest star in Southern Cross