Capella the Goat Star is the brightest star in Auriga

The sixth brightest star in the night sky, Capella, is the brightest star in the Northern Hemisphere constellation Auriga the Charioteer. This star is also one of the points in the Winter Hexagon. Source:…

Ancient Mayan civilization used advanced water treatment technology

The oldest known example of a water treatment system in the Western Hemisphere was recently discovered in Guatemala. Source:…

What’s the birthstone for December?

If you were born December, you’ve got 2 birthstones, turquoise and zircon. Source:…

Mummy count continues to grow at ancient Egypt burial site

The number of mummy-filled coffins found in a series of burial shafts at Saqqara in Egypt keeps growing, archaeologists with the Egyptian Ministry of Antiquities reported. Source:

Aquarius? Here’s your constellation

Aquarius lies in a “watery” part of the sky, near Pisces the Fish, Cetus the Whale, Eridanus the River, and Piscis Austrinus the Southern Fish. Source:…