Leaked Senate Talking Points Say Internet Surveillance Warrants Would Force FBI To Let Terrorists Bomb Things

Requiring federal agents to have “probable cause” to eavesdrop on the internet activities of American citizens poses a direct threat to national security and would force the FBI to stand by while terrorist plots unfold on U.S. soil, according to a leaked copy of talking points distributed to Senate lawmakers this month. From a report: The talking points, which were distributed…

Rainbow Six ‘Copy’ Lands Apple and Google In Copyright Court

Ubisoft is suing Apple and Google over a Chinese mobile game it says is “a near carbon copy” of one of its most popular games, Rainbow Six: Siege. The BBC reports: Area F2 is “designed to closely replicate… virtually every aspect” of the game, it alleges, in a 43-page document, complete with screenshots. It is also suing the developer, Ejoy, owned…

Doctors Are Tweeting About Coronavirus To Make Facts Go Viral

An anonymous reader quotes a report from The Wall Street Journal: Bob Wachter, the chairman of the department of medicine at the University of California, San Francisco, has had a front-row seat to the coronavirus pandemic. Dr. Wachter’s job, at least in part, is to keep the department’s 3,000 or so faculty, trainees and staff current on developments in research, education…

Whoa! Comet ATLAS got brighter this week

Comet C/2019 Y4 (ATLAS) was getting brighter. Then, sadly, the Hubble Space Telescope caught it apparently disintegrating. Now … surprise. Veteran comet observer Terry Lovejoy reported earlier today that the comet is brightening again! Source: https://earthsky.org/todays-image/photo-comet-atlas-brightening-may-5-to-may-9-2020…

What’s new on Coursera for Business – April 2020

By Adam Lewis, Skills Transformation Consultant As we continue to adapt to the new norm, here are 114 new courses and projects to pick out what’s important to you.  You can try out Yale’s latest insights on why your Facebook friend is wrong about the stats they’re sharing. Or find your purpose with Michigan’s course […]
The post What’s new on Coursera…

White House Blocks CDC Guidance Over Economic and Religious Concerns

An anonymous reader quotes a report from The New York Times: As President Trump rushes to reopen the economy, a battle has erupted between the White House and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention over the agency’s detailed guidelines to help schools, restaurants, churches and other establishments safely reopen. A copy of the C.D.C. guidance obtained by The New York…

Twitch Is Developing Talk Shows and Dating Programs for Gamers

Twitch, the online video site popular among gamers, is looking for its version of “The Bachelor.” From a report: The company plans to fund a slate of original, unscripted series that would be live and interactive, airing two to three times a week, according to an internal document seen by Bloomberg. Its preferred genres are game shows, dating shows, sports, music…

As States Move to Reopen, 2 Projections Show Deaths Rising

A University of Washington forecast frequently cited by the White House projected a death toll of more than double what it was predicting last month, citing the “easing of social distancing measures” in many states. From a report: As President Trump presses for states to reopen their economies, his administration is privately projecting a steady rise in the number of coronavirus…

Should the Government Subsidize Online Jobs and Classes — and Streaming Services?

Two lead economists for the World Bank called for an updated online version of a legendary government program from America’s Great Depression during the 1930s — public works programs — as a companion to widespread calls for quarantining:
What is missing in such mandatory “stick” approaches is the more active use of “carrot” incentives that could both encourage self-isolation and help prepare…