Jamie Zawinski Calls Cinnamon Screensaver Lock-Bypass Bug ‘Unconscionable’

Legendary programmer Jamie Zawinski has worked on everything from the earliest releases of the Netscape Navigator browser to XEmacs, Mozilla, and, of course, the XScreenSaver project. Now Slashdot reader e432776 writes: JWZ continues to track issues with screensavers on Linux (since 2004!), and discusses a new bug in cinnamon-screensaver. Long-standing topics like X11, developer interaction, and code licensing all feature. Solutions…

Identical Twins Are Not So Identical, Study Suggests

An anonymous reader quotes a report from The Guardian: Genetic differences between identical twins can begin very early in embryonic development, according to a study that researchers say has implications for examining the effects of nature versus nurture. Identical — or monozygotic — twins come from a single fertilized egg that splits in two. They are important research subjects because they…

Dog Domestication May Have Begun Because Paleo Humans Couldn’t Stomach the Original Paleo Diet

A new theory described today in Scientific Reports posits that hunter-gatherers whose omnivorous digestive system prevented too much protein consumption likely shared surplus meat with wolves. Those scraps may have initiated a step toward domestication. Scientific American reports: [Maria Lahtinen, a senior researcher at the Finnish Food Authority and a visiting scholar at the Finnish Museum of Natural History] did not…

Python ‘Dominates’ IEEE Spectrum’s 2020 List of Top Programming Languages

IEEE Spectrum’s August issue will include an article titled “The Top Programming Languages.” Calculated using metrics from 11 online sources, it concludes that “One thing remains constant: the dominance of Python.”
Our default ranking is weighted toward the interests of an IEEE member, and looking at the top entries, we see that Python has held onto its comfortable lead, with Java and…

These ancient crocodiles walked on 2 legs like dinosaurs

Researchers suggest 110–120 million year old fossil footprints were made by ancient crocodiles that walked on 2 hind legs about the same length as adult human legs. Source: https://earthsky.org/earth/ancient-crocodiles-walked-on-2-legs-fossil-footprints…

Disney Kids Channels To Shutter In UK, Content Moving To Disney+

According to The Hollywood Reporter, the Walt Disney Company is closing down its three Disney Channels in the U.K. this fall and moving the content to its streaming service Disney+. From the report: From Oct. 1, Disney+ will become the exclusive U.K. home for content from Disney Channel, DisneyXD and Disney Junior, the company said Thursday. “The direct-to-consumer service, which garnered…

A rainforest in Antarctica during the age of dinosaurs

A temperate rainforest once flourished in Western Antarctica, just 560 miles from the South Pole, 90 million years ago. Source: https://earthsky.org/earth/a-temperate-rainforest-in-antarctica-during-the-age-of-dinosaurs…

New timeline rewrites history of Easter Island collapse

Easter Island society did not collapse prior to European contact, and its people continued to build its iconic moai statues for much longer than previously believed, according to a team of researchers. Source: https://earthsky.org/human-world/new-timeline-easter-island-collapse…

UFOs May Be Piloted by Time-Traveling Humans, Book Argues

Could the creatures piloting UFOs be us? A recent book argues that reports of aliens here on Earth may be describing our distant human descendants, returning from the future to study us in their own evolutionary past. Source: https://www.livescience.com/aliens-time-traveling-humans-ufo-hypothesis.html

Are UFOs piloted by humans from the future ?

Is it possible that unidentified flying objects are piloted, not by aliens, but by our own future descendants ? Ever since the term ‘UFO’ was coined, … Source: https://www.unexplained-mysteries.com/news/333930/are-ufos-piloted-by-humans-from-the-future…