Images of shadows cast by jet contrails

Jet contrail shadows may appear to be cast by a low-altitude bright light shining upwards. In fact, this shadow is normally cast on clouds below the jet and its contrail. Source:…

Jamie Zawinski Calls Cinnamon Screensaver Lock-Bypass Bug ‘Unconscionable’

Legendary programmer Jamie Zawinski has worked on everything from the earliest releases of the Netscape Navigator browser to XEmacs, Mozilla, and, of course, the XScreenSaver project. Now Slashdot reader e432776 writes: JWZ continues to track issues with screensavers on Linux (since 2004!), and discusses a new bug in cinnamon-screensaver. Long-standing topics like X11, developer interaction, and code licensing all feature. Solutions…

Slashback: How Eddie Van Halen Hacks a Guitar

In honor of legendary guitarist Eddie Van Halen, who tragically passed away today from throat cancer at the age of 65, we wanted to resurface an article Eddie wrote in 2015 for Popular Mechanics. While many know him as the guitar god, Eddie Van Halen was also an inventor and patent holder who has spent the better part of 35 years…

In Internet Dead Zones, Rural Schools Struggle With Distanced Learning

An anonymous reader shares a report: The past seven months have been a big strain on families like Mandi Boren’s. The Borens are cattle ranchers on a remote slice of land near Idaho’s Owyhee Mountains. They have four kids — ranging from a first grader to a sophomore in high school. When the lockdown first hit, Boren first thought it might…

Gene Editing To Produce ‘Super Dad’ Livestock

Scientists have produced gene-edited animals they say could serve as “super dads” or “surrogate sires.” The BBC reports: The pigs, goats, cattle and mice make sperm carrying the genetic material of donor animals. The researchers used a hi-tech gene editing tool to knock out a male fertility gene in animal embryos. The animals were born sterile, but began producing sperm after…

GOP Congressman Turns Antitrust Hearing Into Personal Tech Support Session

An anonymous reader quotes a report from VICE News: We all have trouble with our email sometimes. We don’t typically get to harangue the CEO of Google about why, say, Dad’s Gmail is acting up, though. You have to be a member of Congress to pull that. Rep. Greg Steube, Republican from Florida, went there during Wednesday’s high-profile congressional hearing about…

Emperor penguins are good dads

On this Father’s day, a special shout-out to one of the most exceptional dads in nature, emperor penguins. They endure the harshest winter conditions on Earth for their offspring. Source:…

How Wesley went from Part-Time Cook to Full-Time IT Support Technician

My name is Wesley Mercado, and I live in Los Angeles, California. Before completing the Google IT Support Professional Certificate on the Coursera platform, I had no prior experience in IT Support. Now, I work as an IT Support Technician at a healthcare call center in Beverly Hills. I did not grow up as a […]
The post How Wesley went from…

Dad Takes Son To Mongolia Just To Get Him Off His Phone

An anonymous reader quotes a report from the BBC: Riding through a remote valley in Mongolia on the back of his motorbike, adventurer Jamie Clarke let the hum of the engine and the wind echo in his mind while his thoughts wandered. After several hours, he pulled over to shake off his helmet and take a look at the map. This…