New John the Ripper Cracks Passwords On FPGAs

Long-time Slashdot reader solardiz has long bring an advocate for bringing security to open environments. Wednesday he contacted Slashdot to share this update about a piece of software he’s authored called John the Ripper: John the Ripper is the oldest still evolving password cracker program (and Open Source project), first released in 1996. John the Ripper 1.9.0-jumbo-1, which has just been…

How to Get the Best Sleep of Your Life

Sofia Adamson – If you want to decrease your risk of disease, improving the quality of your sleep should be a top priority. Source:…

2 Popular Foods May Turn Immune System Against Brain

Sayer Ji – Two of the Western world’s most popular foods have been implicated in immune mediated brain damage.  Source:…

Donald Trump spent Saturday retweeting far-right personalities. Then he told them they’re right.


A Bitter Turf War is Raging on the Brexit Wikipedia Page

Wikipedia editors are battling to tell the story of Brexit as it happens. And on such a hotly-debated page, every edit is controversial and suspicions run wild. From a report: Editors are parrying death threats, doxxing attempts and accusations of bias, as the crowdsourced epic has become the centre of a relentless tug-of-war over who gets to write the history of…

Pakistani Scientists Discover Fungus that Can ‘Eat’ Plastic

Luke Miller – This mushroom could be the solution to the global plastic problem. Source:…

Our incel problem


A Pagan Easter

Julian Rose – We don’t need a priest to divert us from the truth. Source:…

North of Happiness – 5 States of Being That Will Launch You Past Happiness

Gary Z McGee – Many of us go through life thinking happiness is the be-all, end-all; the ultimate prize. Source:…