Colleges Graduate 10,000 This Year With Masters In Data Science Degrees

dcblogs writes: The Master of Science in Analytics was created in North Carolina State University in 2006. Today, there are about 280 colleges and universities that offer a similar graduate degree and in total, they will produce about 10,000 analytics master graduates in 2019. “The demand is there, but the supply [of data scientists] is catching up quickly,” said Michael Rappa,…

Bernie Sanders Proposes Forgiving the Student Debt of 45 Million Americans

Sen. Bernie Sanders announced a plan on Monday to erase the country’s $1.6 trillion outstanding student loan tab, intensifying the higher education policy debate in the 2020 Democratic presidential primary. From a report: The Democratic presidential candidate’s legislation — dubbed “The College for All Act” — will release all 45 million Americans from their student debt and be paid for with…

Some Americans Have Fled The Country To Escape Student Loan Debt

“Some student loan borrowers are packing their bags and fleeing from the U.S. to other countries, where the cost of living is often lower and debt collectors wield less power over them,” reports CNBC: Chad Haag considered living in a cave to escape his student debt. He had a friend doing it. But after some plotting, he settled on what he…

Elizabeth Warren has the biggest free college plan yet


Anti-Zionists Deserve Free Speech

The Trump administration bars a critic of Israel from America. Source:…

Cancel Kirstjen Nielsen

Her role in terrorizing children should make her a permanent pariah. Source:

A Top Lawyer Will Plead Guilty in the College-Admissions Scandal

Gordon Caplan, a former co-chairman of the firm Willkie Farr, was charged with paying $75,000 to help his daughter get into college. Source: