How to Cure the New Senioritis? Make Yourself Your Senior Project

The end of senior year is now often characterized by a sense of purposelessness. Here are five ways high school seniors can connect with what matters to them. Source:

What’s Life Like as a Student at U.S.C.? Depends on the Size of the Bank Account.

As U.S.C. has fought to attract low-income students, the campus has become a vivid microcosm of the economic disparities in Los Angeles. Source:

Spared From the Shredder (for Now): ‘Priceless’ Bank Records of Old New York

A bank is cleaning out its basement in Brooklyn. Archivists want to save a trove of Bowery Savings Bank papers from destruction. Source:

Adolescence: Drawing the Line Between Helping and Helicoptering

In the wake of the college bribery scandal, critiques of parents who meddle too much can leave us questioning our everyday instincts to help our children. Source: