What Makes A Dog Smart? Are Certain Dog Breeds Smarter?

Ever looked at your dog and wonder just what they’re thinking? That’s the question Dr. Brian Hare has spent his career trying to answer. He’s a scientist, New York Times bestselling author of the book, The Genius of Dogs, and Professor of Evolutionary Anthropology at Duke University in North Carolina. His publications on dog cognition […]
The post What Makes A Dog…

Cringely Predicts IBM ‘Disappears Into Red Hat’

Tech pundit Robert X. Cringely has been sharing technology predictions every January for over two decades — and he made another big one on Friday:
IBM has three divisions — Global Technology Services (GTS), Global Business Services (GBS), and Red Hat. GTS is the legacy IT business, GBS is the professional services business invented by Lou Gerstner to save IBM the last…

IBM Names Arvind Krishna CEO, Replacing Ginni Rometty

An anonymous reader writes: IBM named Arvind Krishna as chief executive officer, replacing longtime CEO Virginia Rometty. Krishna, 57, is currently the head of IBM’s cloud and cognitive software unit and was a principal architect of the company’s purchase of Red Hat, which was completed last year. Rometty, 62, will continue as executive chairman and serve through the end of the…

Traumatic experiences boost the effect of depression-linked genes

Experiencing trauma seems to alter the way genes for depression are expressed. The vulnerable genes may also help us identify people who might benefit from cognitive behavioural therapies Source: https://www.newscientist.com/article/2230859-traumatic-experiences-boost-the-effect-of-depression-linked-genes/?utm_campaign=RSS%7CNSNS&utm_source=NSNS&utm_medium=RSS&utm_content=home…

Some Aspects of Memory Get Better As We Age

An anonymous reader shares an opinion piece for The New York Times, written by neuroscientist Daniel J. Levitin: Short-term memory contains the contents of your thoughts right now, including what you intend to do in the next few seconds. It’s doing some mental arithmetic, thinking about what you’ll say next in a conversation or walking to the hall closet with the…

Installing Air Filters in Classrooms Has Surprisingly Large Educational Benefits

An emergency situation that turned out to be mostly a false alarm led a lot of schools in Los Angeles to install air filters, and something strange happened: Test scores went up. By a lot. And the gains were sustained in the subsequent year rather than fading away. From a report: That’s what NYU’s Michael Gilraine finds in a new working…

How to Make a Plan for Your Life and Set Personal Goals

Have you ever stopped to think about what you really want your life to be like? Dr. Richard Shell, an award-winning scholar, teacher, and author at the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania, has found that most people don’t. Luckily, he can help you get started. Below, listen to the conversation or read the […]
The post How to Make a…

Why Your Brain Needs Exercise

Answering this question requires that we rethink our views of exercise. From a report: People often consider walking and running to be activities that the body is able to perform on autopilot. But research carried out over the past decade by us and others would indicate that this folk wisdom is wrong. Instead exercise seems to be as much a cognitive…

The Human Brain Evolved When Carbon Dioxide Was Lower

An anonymous reader quotes a report from The Atlantic: Kris Karnauskas, a professor of ocean sciences at the University of Colorado, has started walking around campus with a pocket-size carbon-dioxide detector. He’s not doing it to measure the amount of carbon pollution in the atmosphere. He’s interested in the amount of CO2 in each room. The indoor concentration of carbon dioxide…

GM Car Executive Says Self-Driving Cars Are the Only Way Forward

jmcbain writes: In a blog post last week, Dan Amman, the CEO of Cruise Automation (General Motors’ electric self-driving car division), laments the pollution, waste of space, accidents, and cost of cars as we know them today. He says “here we are, living in a state of cognitive dissonance with exactly this — the human-driven, gasoline-powered, single-occupant car — as our…