Is the Dyatlov Pass incident solved?

The Dyatlov Pass incident has intrigued people for generations, but a new theory pointing to a slab avalanche as the culprit does a thorough job of explaining how the 9 Russian trekkers died. A new video and more here. Source:…

Epic’s New MetaHuman Tool Lets You Craft Realistic Faces Inside a Browser

Epic Games has announced a new, browser-based software tool powered by its Unreal Engine called the MetaHuman Creator that can craft highly realistic human faces and help power more realistic body movements and facial animations. The Verge reports: Epic says the MetaHuman Creator can be used in conjunction with modern motion capture and animation techniques for creating lifelike movements and human…

New study finds polyester fibers throughout the Arctic Ocean

A new study has found that pollution from microplastics is widespread in the Arctic Ocean, and 92% of those particles are minuscule synthetic fibers from our clothes. Source:…

Amazon and Facebook Staff Warned of Threats To Safety

Amazon and Facebook have warned staff about threats to their safety amid fears of a backlash against “big tech.” From a report: Amazon Web Services (AWS) employees were told to “be vigilant” after the firm removed Parler from its web-hosting service. The app is popular with some supporters of President Donald Trump. Facebook staff were also instructed not to wear company-branded…

The Zodiac Killer’s Cipher Has Been Solved After 51 Years

“It’s taken over 50 years, but the solution to the Zodiac Killer’s cipher has been found,” writes Slashdot reader quonset. CNN reports: Dubbed the “340 cipher,” the message was unraveled by a trio of code breakers — David Oranchak, a software developer in Virginia, Jarl Van Eycke, a Belgian computer programmer, and Sam Blake, an Australian mathematician. The Zodiac Killer is…

What Happens When Researchers Give Thousands of Dollars to Homeless People?

CNN reports on “The New Leaf Project,” an initiative in which the University of British Columbia partnered with a Vancouver-based charity called Foundations for Social Change: Researchers gave 50 recently homeless people a lump sum of 7,500 Canadian dollars (nearly $5,700). They followed the cash recipients’ life over 12-18 months and compared their outcomes to that of a control group who…

Software Could Help Reform Policing — If Only Police Unions Wanted It

tedlistens writes: The CEO of Taser maker Axon, Rick Smith, has a lot of high-tech ideas for fixing policing. One idea for identifying potentially abusive behavior is AI, integrated with the company’s increasingly ubiquitous body cameras and the footage they produce. In a patent application filed last month, Axon describes the ability to search video not only for words and locations…

Kanye West Accused of Plundering Trade-Secret Tech To Fund His Internet Church

Kanye West is being sued for pulling the tried-and-true Silicon Valley tactic of allegedly stealing trade tech secrets. Gizmodo reports: First spotted by TMZ, the suit is being spearheaded by small, Pennsylvania-based ecommerce company MyChannel (MYC, for short). MYC allege that after pouring millions of dollars and half a year’s worth of work into mocking up a spiffy new site for…

Ukraine President Plugs 15-Year-Old Film To Free Hostages

In what sounds like a Black Mirror episode, Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelenskiy complied with a hostage-takers demands and posted a six-second video urging the public to watch the 2005 film “Earthlings,” a movie about mankind using animals for pets, food and clothing. “Everyone should watch the 2005 film ‘Earthlings,'” he said in the video posted to his Facebook page, which has…

Material that cannot be cut would make the ultimate bike lock

Engineers have created the first artificial material that effectively cannot be cut, holding out the promise of lightweight but cut-proof bike locks, security doors and protective clothing. Source:…