Is the Dyatlov Pass incident solved?

The Dyatlov Pass incident has intrigued people for generations, but a new theory pointing to a slab avalanche as the culprit does a thorough job of explaining how the 9 Russian trekkers died. A new video and more here. Source:…

Energy ‘Scavenger’ Could Turn Waste Heat From Devices Like Refrigerators Into Electricity

“Scientists have known for nearly 200 years that certain materials can convert heat to electricity…” reports Science, describing research into an intriguing new approach: Refrigerators, boilers, and even lightbulbs continually dump heat into their surroundings. This “waste heat” could — in theory — be turned into electricity, as it is sometimes done with power plants, automobile engines, and other high-heat sources….

Pesticides and industrial pollutants found in snow atop Arctic glaciers

The long journey of these compounds – likely originating in the U.S. and Eurasia – shows the far-reaching impacts of industrial pollution. Source:…