Is the Dyatlov Pass incident solved?

The Dyatlov Pass incident has intrigued people for generations, but a new theory pointing to a slab avalanche as the culprit does a thorough job of explaining how the 9 Russian trekkers died. A new video and more here. Source:…

Google Plans to Calculate ‘Criticality’ Scores for Open Source Projects

Programming columnist Mike Melanson writes:
As part of its involvement in the recently announced Open Source Security Foundation (OpenSSF), Google has penned a blog post outlining one of the first steps it will take as part of this group, with an attempt at finding critical open source projects. “Open source software (OSS) has long suffered from a ‘tragedy of the commons’ problem,”…

Bill Gates Asked Microsoft’s ‘Junior Engineer’ Job Interview Question

DevNull127 writes: Let’s say you’re interviewing for a junior engineering position at Microsoft,” Bill Gates was asked. “Why should we hire you?” “I like to be on a team,” Gates replies. “I like ambitious goals. I like thinking through how we can anticipate the future. Software is cool, and I want to be involved.” The question was asked by top basketball…

Congressional Inquiry Faults Boeing And FAA Failures For Deadly 737 Max Plane Crashes

A sweeping congressional inquiry into the development and certification of Boeing’s troubled 737 Max airplane finds damning evidence of failures at both Boeing and the Federal Aviation Administration that “played instrumental and causative roles” in two fatal crashes that killed a total of 346 people. From a report: The House Transportation Committee released an investigative report produced by Democratic staff on…