How coronavirus drifts through the air in microscopic droplets

Aerosols are the tiny particles of liquid and material that float around in our environment. When they come from an infected person, they may be a significant source of coronavirus transmission. The science of infectious aerosols. Source:…

The Pope Suggests Considering a Universal Basic Wage

U.S. News and World Report notes a big surprise in the Easter Sunday letter from the pope:
Pope Francis on Sunday advocated for a form of universal basic income that would “dignify the noble, essential tasks” carried out by street vendors, small farmers, construction workers and caregivers around the world… In a letter written from Vatican City on Sunday, the head of…

What the coronavirus does to your body that makes it so deadly

How the coronavirus infects and how it makes people sick. Source:…

Dutch Museum Says Van Gogh Painting Stolen In Overnight Raid

The Singer Laren museum in Laren, east of Amsterdam, says thieves have made off with a prize Vincent van Gogh painting while the institution was closed to the public. artnet News reports: The break-in at the museum happened in the early hours of Monday morning, at around 3:15 a.m. The thieves smashed a large glass door at the front of the…

Moon and Venus close around February 27 and 28

These next few evenings – February 27 and 28, 2020 – watch for the crescent moon and the brilliant planet Venus to pair up on the sky’s dome. Source:…

Amazon Is Collecting Donations For a Scientology-Linked Anti-Drug Charity

An anonymous reader quotes the Guardian:
Amazon has agreed to channel funds to a controversial drug rehabilitation charity linked to the Church of Scientology, the Guardian has learned. The web giant will make donations to Narconon — which runs programmes for drug addicts based on the teachings of the Scientology founder, L Ron Hubbard — when supporters buy products through the site,…