Home-Made Covid Vaccine Appeared to Work, but Questions Remained

“Josiah Zayner’s plan was simple: replicate a Covid-19 vaccine that had worked in monkeys, test it on himself and then livestream the experiment online over a period of months,” reports Bloomberg. “Zayner discovered, testing a vaccine is far more complicated than he had imagined.”
Even though his experiment yielded a promising result, Zayner found too many unanswered questions to say that it…

A Chicken Nugget Was Just Launched Into Space

A British supermarket celebrated its 50th anniversary by playing with its food — specifically, one lucky piece of breaded protein: The grocery store chain hired Sent Into Space to launch the chicken nugget into space. According to its website, Sent Into Space is the “world’s leading space marketing company, specialising in space-themed marketing campaigns and publicity stunts.” “From a site in…

Tesco, One of the World’s Largest Supermarket Operators, Sets 300% Sales Target For Plant-Based Alternatives To Meat

An anonymous reader quotes a report from The Guardian: Tesco is to become the first UK retailer to set a sales target for plant-based alternatives to meat as it steps up efforts to offer shoppers more sustainable options. The UK’s largest supermarket will on Tuesday commit to boosting sales of meat alternatives by 300% within five years, by 2025. Over the…

Deneb is distant and very luminous

When you gaze at the bright star Deneb, you’re gazing across thousands of light-years of space. Source: https://earthsky.org/brightest-stars/deneb-among-the-farthest-stars-to-be-seen…

KFC Tests 3D-Printed Chicken Nuggets In Russia

KFC announced that it will test chicken nuggets made with 3D bioprinting technology in Moscow, Russia, this fall. Business Insider reports: The chicken chain has partnered with 3D Bioprinting Solutions to create a chicken nugget made in a lab with chicken and plant cells using bioprinting. Bioprinting, which uses 3D-printing techniques to combine biological material, is used in medicine to create…

How To Grow Sprouts At Home In Just 1 Week

Want to learn how to grow sprouts? It’s very simple. In fact, it will only take you around a week. Sprouts are nutritional powerhouses and growing them is a great addition to your wonderful homestead. So to help you get moving, we listed down a few steps. RELATED: How To Sprout Mung Beans In Jars…Continue Reading
The post How To Grow Sprouts…

Wonderchicken fossil casts new light on bird evolution

The oldest known bird fossil, from the age of dinosaurs, has skull features similar to modern chickens. The scientists who found it have nicknamed it “Wonderchicken.” It’s providing valuable insights into the evolution of birds. Source: https://earthsky.org/earth/wonderchicken-oldest-fossil-modern-bird…

Space lettuce: Nutritious and safe crops would be a dietary supplement to assist long-distance space missions

Astronauts in space live on processed, pre-packaged space rations such as fruits, nuts, chocolate, shrimp cocktails, peanut butter, chicken, and beef to name a few. These have often been sterilized by heating, freeze drying, or irradiation to make them last and key a challenge for the US Space Agency NASA has been to figure out how to grow safe, fresh food…

Was This Life’s First Meal?

sciencehabit shares a report from Science Magazine: Studies of the origin of life are replete with paradoxes. Take this doozy: Every known organism on Earth uses a suite of proteins — and the DNA that helps build it — to construct the building blocks of our cells. But those very building blocks are also needed to make DNA and proteins. The…