Accelerating Curiosity: Novartis’ Integrated Approach to Employee Learning

By Steve Sitek, Head of U.S. Learning, Novartis  There’s nothing better than a personalized experience, curtailed to our unique needs and wants. Those experiences are why social media platforms are now highly customized to our likes/dislikes, why we’re welcomed by name when we log in to our online banking platform, and why restaurants remember our […]
The post Accelerating Curiosity: Novartis’ Integrated…

Mozilla Suspends Firefox Send Service While It Addresses Malware Abuse

An anonymous reader writes: Mozilla has temporarily suspended the Firefox Send file-sharing service as the organization investigates reports of abuse from malware operators and while it adds a “Report abuse” button. The browser maker took down the service today after ZDNet reached out to inquire about Firefox Send’s increasing prevalence in current malware operations. Since last year, several malware operations have…

South African Bank To Replace 12 Million Cards After Employees Stole Master Key

Postbank, the banking division of South Africa’s Post Office, has lost more than $3.2 million from fraudulent transactions and will now have to replace more than 12 million cards for its customers after employees printed and then stole its master key. ZDNet reports: The Sunday Times of South Africa, the local news outlet that broke the story, said the incident took…

Programmer Discovers Unprotected Access to State’s Jobless Claims Portal’s Admin Mode

Long-time Slashdot reader bbsguru shares a story from the alternative newsweekly the Arkansas Times. “A computer programmer applying for unemployment on Arkansas’s Pandemic Unemployment Assistance program discovered a vulnerability in the system that exposed the Social Security numbers, bank account and routing numbers and other sensitive information of some 30,000 applicants. “Anyone with basic computer knowledge could have accessed personal information…

Why a Voting App Won’t Solve Our Problems This November

XXongo writes: Although the problems with internet voting have been pointed out over and over again, with the arrival of COVID-19, the idea has again been brought up as a way to avoid the problems of in-person voting. If we can do banking by internet, why can’t we do online voting? But, voting by an app is still a really stupid…

France Passes Law Forcing Online Platforms To Delete Hate-Speech Content Within 24 Hours

France’s lower chamber has passed a controversial law that will require social networks and online platforms remove flagged hate speech within 24 hours. If companies do not comply, they will have to pay hefty fines every time they infringe the law. Other more extreme content, such as terrorist content and child pornography, will require online platforms react within an hour. TechCrunch…

JPMorgan Extends Banking Services To Bitcoin Exchanges

According to The Wall Street Journal, JPMorgan Chase has taken on Coinbase and Gemini Trust as banking customers (Warning: source paywalled; alternative source) — “the first time the bank has accepted clients from the cryptocurrency industry.” From the report: The move is the latest in a string of positive developments for bitcoin and another sign that Wall Street is becoming more…

White House Blocks CDC Guidance Over Economic and Religious Concerns

An anonymous reader quotes a report from The New York Times: As President Trump rushes to reopen the economy, a battle has erupted between the White House and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention over the agency’s detailed guidelines to help schools, restaurants, churches and other establishments safely reopen. A copy of the C.D.C. guidance obtained by The New York…

How Spies Snuck Malware Into the Google Play Store — Again and Again

Google’s Play Store for Android apps has never had a reputation for the strictest protections from malware. Shady adware and even banking trojans have managed over the years to repeatedly defy Google’s security checks. Now security researchers have found what appears to be a more rare form of Android abuse: state-sponsored spies who repeatedly slipped their targeted hacking tools into the…

Multiple Banks Have Reported Outages As People Check For Coronavirus Stimulus Checks

Chase, Capital One, PNC Bank and others across the U.S. have reported outages with online and mobile banking Wednesday — the same day the coronavirus IRS stimulus checks are expected to hit bank accounts of those eligible. CNET reports: Banks including Chase, Capital One, PNC Bank, US Bank and Navy Federal, as well as the app Cash App have all reported…