Can you see Canopus, the 2nd-brightest star?

Here’s how to spot Canopus, the 2nd-brightest star in the sky as seen from Earth, on February evenings. Source:…

Dramatic images of erupting Kilauea volcano in Hawaii

Overnight on Sunday, USGS reported lava fountains that shot nearly 165 feet into the sky from a fissure on the eastern side of Kilauea volcano in Hawaii. Lava has replaced the water that was in the basin of the crater, and a new lava lake was formed. Source:…

10 tips for watching the Geminids

We anticipate 2020 will be a great year for watching the Geminid meteor shower! Here are 10 tips. Source:…

Young moon at dusk; meteors after midnight

On November 16, 17, 18 and 19, 2020, enjoy the beautiful presence of a waxing crescent moon covered over in earthshine in the west after sunset. Then, after midnight, watch for meteors in the annual Leonid meteor shower. Source:…

Tips for watching N. Taurid meteors

The nominal peak of the North Taurid meteor shower is on the night of November 11-12, 2020. Source:…

Last quarter moon in Gemini, waning moon in Cancer

Last quarter moon comes on October 10. That morning, the moon will be in front of Gemini the Twins. The next morning – October 11 – the moon will be in front of Cancer the Crab. Source:…

Moon and Mars rendezvous in early October

The moon and Mars are near each other on the sky’s dome on the night of October 2, 2020. From South America, the moon will appear to occult (cover over) Mars. Source:…

Moon and Fomalhaut in late September

These next several nights – September 28, 29 and 30 – 2020 – use the bright waxing gibbous moon to find the bright star Fomalhaut, the Autumn Star. Source:…

Photos of the moon’s sweep past bright Mars

Earth will pass between Mars and the sun in October 2020, and we’re already hot on the Red Planet’s heels. That is, the distance between our 2 worlds is relatively small. And so Mars is very bright now! Thanks to all in the EarthSky Community who contributed photos. Source:…

Belarus Has Shut Down the Internet Amid a Controversial Election

An anonymous reader quotes a report from Wired: Internet connectivity and cellular service in Belarus have been down since Sunday evening, after sporadic outages early that morning and throughout the day. The connectivity blackout, which also includes landline phones, appears to be a government-imposed outage that comes amid widespread protests and increasing social unrest over Belarus’ presidential election Sunday. The ongoing…