Will February’s full moon be a supermoon?

The full moon on February 9, 2020, ranks as the 4th-closest (and therefore the 4th-largest) full moon of 2020, but is it a supermoon? Source: https://earthsky.org/astronomy-essentials/will-februarys-full-moon-be-a-supermoon…

Close and far moons in 2020

The moon swings farthest from Earth for the year on March 24, 2020, and then comes closest to Earth some two weeks thereafter, on April 7, 2020. Source: https://earthsky.org/astronomy-essentials/close-and-far-moons-in-2020…

Star Sirius rings in New Year!

Dog Star Sirius reaches its highest point in the sky around midnight every New Year’s Eve. For this reason, it might also be called the New Year’s star. Source: https://earthsky.org/astronomy-essentials/star-sirius-torchbearer-of-the-new-year…

Are Government Shutdowns of the Internet Becoming The World’s New Normal?

An anonymous reader quotes CNN:
CNN reports that government shutdowns of the internet are becoming the new normal: An ongoing internet blackout in Indian-controlled Kashmir is now the longest ever in a democracy — at more than 135 days — according to Access Now, an advocacy group that tracks internet freedom. Only the autocratic governments of China and junta-era Myanmar have cut…

Don’t miss the young moon and Venus

Think photo opportunity this weekend (December 27-29) as the brightest and 2nd-brightest sky objects – the moon and Venus – beautify the evening twilight shortly after sunset. Source: https://earthsky.org/tonight/see-young-moon-venus-after-sunset…

Solstice sun at southernmost point

The 2018 December solstice happens when it’s sunset (December 21) in the Americas, sunrise (December 22) along the Asian Pacific Coast, noontime (December 21) for Hawaii and Alaska and midnight (December 21-22) for Africa and Europe. Source: https://earthsky.org/tonight/southernmost-sun-brings-december-solstice…

All you need to know: December solstice

December solstice 2019 arrives on December 22 at 4:19 UTC. High summer for the Southern Hemisphere. For the Northern Hemisphere, the return of more sunlight! Source: https://earthsky.org/astronomy-essentials/everything-you-need-to-know-december-solstice…

See this week’s Venus-Saturn pairing

On December 10 and 11, 2019, look in the sunset direction – close to the sunset point on the horizon, not long after the sun goes down – for the the conjunction of 2 bright planets, Venus and Saturn. Some will also spot Jupiter nearby. Source: https://earthsky.org/tonight/see-venus-saturn-pairing-on-december-10…

Spectacular! Don’t miss Venus and Jupiter

The sky’s 2 brightest planets – Venus and Jupiter – will meet for conjunction on November 24, 2019. Watch them draw closer in the west after sunset this weekend! Source: https://earthsky.org/tonight/venus-jupiter-conjunction-on-november-24…

Venus and Jupiter getting closer!

The two brightest planets visible from Earth – Venus and Jupiter – are both in the west after sunset now as seen from around the globe. They are exceedingly bright! Very noticeable, if you look. Photos from the EarthSky Community here. Source: https://earthsky.org/todays-image/photos-venus-jupiter-conjunction-nov-2019…